Your Pain Should Never Define Who You Are

Sometimes you define yourself based on the wounds of the past and the pain you have experienced as a result. However, you are much more than that. Just remember how resilient you are.
Your pain should never define who you are

You are so much more than what hurt you so much. More than your wounds that sometimes still hurt because they haven’t fully healed. The same wounds that remain deeply ingrained in your memory resurface from time to time and give you a really bad day.

You are much more than anything that has ever made you suffer and leave scars. More than your bitter tears, more than the feeling of suffocation that sometimes still envelops you, and more than the pain caused by your efforts to keep fighting.

You cannot erase your suffering. It has been part of your journey. Moreover, it is your strength that defines you, although at times it seemed to falter and even disappear. In fact, you are braver and more incredible than you can ever imagine. You just have to learn to look at yourself.

A tearful eye

Resilience, get away from your pain

Even if life has not always been easy for you and your path has been full of pits and obstacles , you cannot define yourself by your wounds and your pain alone.

Do you know why? Because you are more than that. Just think about how you recovered, the tremendous effort you put in to get out of that painful situation, and your ability to carry on and get your life back on track, bit by bit, despite all the turbulence.

You have escaped the exhaustion, apathy and pain that dragged you on for so long. You kept going because somehow you knew it would eventually end and you would be on solid ground.

Of course you went through all kinds of emotions along the way. Sometimes you were just one step away from giving up, but your courage carried you through. The proof of that is that you are here today. This is because you were resilient. You knew that, despite all the difficulties, you would eventually survive.

Maybe you didn’t know at the time why it hit you so hard. You didn’t get carried away, though. You mustered up the courage and moved on.

A woman looking out over the sea

The wisdom behind suffering

Maybe you haven’t been able to heal your wounds yet and you are rebuilding your life. Which is good. The walk along the path away from pain is never a quick one. You have to take it easy and be both patient and perceptive.

Eventually you’ll find yourself on dry land, having weathered all the storms. The important thing, however, is that you look beyond your experiences. To be able to explore and learn from them.

You may be fleeing suffering because you know, or rather, you are afraid of what it entails. However, no one is immune from suffering. Everyone suffers from it to some degree. Therefore, instead of trying to escape your pain, try to learn how to experience it differently.


That is not easy, especially when it comes to unpleasant circumstances and emotions. However, you have to move on. You can rebuild your life. You just need to learn how to integrate your suffering as just another chapter in your life story. Only part of your story, not the determining factor.

What do you need to do this?

  • Acceptance. By recognizing your pain and giving it space, you can stop punishing yourself. Your daily routine will no longer be haunted by those ghosts of the past. In addition, you can illuminate everything in you that defines you. Your strength, your ability to fight and your desire to live and keep hoping.
  • You can also help yourself by identifying the why and why of your pain and suffering. In fact, you will learn more from these answers than you could have ever imagined.

The important thing is to get below the surface of your suffering. You have to navigate through it, always remembering that you are so much more than your pain. Your life is made up of chapters that only make sense when put together. Your story is so much more than your wounds.

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