What To Do In Case Of An Emotional Block?

What to do in case of an emotional block?

Everyone has experienced an emotional block at some point. It feels like you are standing in front of a wall that prevents you from taking on new challenges. Insecurity is one of the most obvious manifestations of an emotional block, keeping you from pursuing and achieving your goals.

For example, consider a file. You’re in an incredible hurry, but suddenly you come across a long line of cars and you can’t move forward, no matter how much you want to. This is roughly what an emotional block feels like.

An emotional block does not always have to affect every aspect of your life. That is, you may be experiencing an emotional block in relation to your work, but not in relation to your personal or emotional life. Or vice versa; you are constantly stuck building an emotional relationship, and then your insecurity kicks in and you are no longer able to secure the job that would make you so happy. Perhaps you have become a conformist. If the blockage occurs in relation to your relationships, then your insecurity will cause you to pretend to be someone else. You will constantly put on a mask, which will make you feel more secure, but instead of protecting you, it’s really just a way to hide the problem.

Why am I experiencing an emotional block?

Many emotional blocks have to do with our self-confidence or with certain experiences that have caused us to behave in a certain way. For example, imagine that you have had some intense relationships in the past. These experiences have led you to adopt certain attitudes towards people you may like: you find it difficult to trust others, you are insecure, and you are afraid of being hurt again.

Anxiety and insecurity can create an emotional block that you can’t quite free yourself from. Then you start to feel ashamed of speaking in public, fear rejection, become overwhelmed by pessimism, feel envy and jealousy towards others, have an opinion about everything and everyone, etc.

Emotional Blockage

An emotional blockage can cause you to experience a lot of negative emotions and feelings that only make the blockage bigger, preventing you from moving forward. However, these emotions and feelings can all be influenced by your environment, which can be a deterrent or a catalyst at the same time. However, what does all this mean?

Imagine that you are very insecure at work. This emotional blockage prevents you from achieving your goals, but something in your environment also encourages it. Perhaps there is a lot of competition among your colleagues. Constantly being judged or having too many eyes on you can also increase this blockage.

Take steps to lift the block

You may think that it is far too difficult or perhaps impossible to free yourself from your emotional block, but then you are wrong. All you have to do is get moving and take action. All those insecure thoughts that plague you make you stiff. However, you can counteract these thoughts and start moving forward again.

Think about all those questions that run through your mind day in and day out. ‘Why go to that job interview if they probably won’t hire me anyway?’ ‘, ‘If I act like myself, they’ll think I’m stupid’, ‘I’ll make a mistake and everyone will laugh at me’, ‘All those others are so much better than me’.

Emotional Blockage

Isn’t it true that these kinds of thoughts have gone through your head several times? The only option you have is to act if you are afraid of hearing the word ‘no’. Think of it this way, ‘no you have, yes you can get’. So, what have you got to lose?

Try to counteract the problems that have created your emotions. Are you afraid that people will laugh at you if you try and stand up for something? If you never try, you will never prove yourself wrong. Sometimes it’s good to convince yourself that you already are what you want to be. For example, by saying things like ‘I like to speak in public’ or ‘I’m not afraid of being mocked’.

What if the emotional block is related to your relationships? Maybe a rejection means that this person is not the right person for you. Try to see going out and expressing your feelings as a great way to overcome your fears… Always try to see things from their positive side. Trust me, there is always a bright side.

Emotional Blockage

It’s normal to experience an emotional block at times, and these blocks can help you put yourself to the test and do what your emotions tell you. However, if you learn to listen more closely to your emotions, you will probably realize that all your emotions are trying to tell you is that it is wise to overcome your insecurities and fears.

Hopefully, your emotions are causing you to put a little pressure on yourself. It is not always positive to feel good and at ease. Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and take risks, even if this instills fear and gives you goosebumps.

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