The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors: The Shaman Woman In Cartoons

The wisdom of our ancestors: the shaman woman in cartoons

Wisdom and shamanism are deeply intertwined.  A shaman or a shaman woman is in connection with nature and with the life force of all things. They have developed their wisdom through many generations. Shamans have a very prominent position in indigenous communities.

A shaman works with the mind and knows how the mind acts and moves. So he or she is a person who can cure diseases that affect the soul. In this article we look at some cartoons in which a shaman woman plays an important role.

Throughout history, shamans are connected with nature and the movements of nature. They also learn about herbal medicine and natural medicine. Shamans are also willing to share their knowledge.

At first glance, shamans can seem mysterious people. This is mainly due to the fact that they are extremely connected to everything in their environment. They acquire this connection through constant meditation. Their love for all beings that grow and develop also determines this band.

However, shamans acquire their knowledge from generation to generation. What does this mean? It means that they acquire wisdom through contact with the wise people who have gone before them. So for many generations, people have shared their knowledge with their children and grandchildren.

Thus, the knowledge a shaman possesses today is much greater than that of a shaman who lived a century ago. After all, human knowledge builds up. Every time someone shares it, it gets refined.

A shaman is a person who cherishes and further develops the knowledge of the ancestors. He or she is also willing to use that knowledge and make the world a better place.

The Shaman's Wife

The shaman woman in movies

They are rarely mentioned by name. Still, movies are full of characters who play the role of shaman. Usually it is older people with a lot of wisdom who portray the shamans. In general, they also depict a rather eccentric figure. On the other hand, there are the young people.

They don’t always take the shaman’s advice as seriously as they should. That is why they are often confronted with complicated situations that they could have avoided if they had listened to the shaman in the beginning.

In reality, shamanism is often exclusively a practice that men practice. On screen, however, this distinction is much less common. By this we mean that women often play the role of shaman in movies. Here we give you some examples of women who have the role of shaman woman in cartoons.

Grandma Tala, the shaman woman of the ocean

Ron Clements and John Musker  directed the 2016 cartoon Moana . The film tells the story of young Moana, the daughter of the chief of Motunui Island.  When the island is threatened, Moana must embark on a long journey across the ocean.

It is Moiana’s duty to find Maui. Maui is a legendary demigod. Moana must bring back Te Fiti’s heart.

Moana has always been drawn to the ocean without knowing why. Only old Tala, her eccentric grandmother, is able to answer this question. Tala is the only woman in the village who remembers the origin of her people.

Tala is also the only one who knows how to solve the big problem afflicting the island. After all, she knows the old legends. To this end, she can guide Moana and spur her to her destiny.

Tanana, spring in winter

Brother Bear  is a 2003 film written by Tab Murphy and directed by Aaron Blaise and Robert Walker. Brother Bear  tells the story of young Kenai. Kenai is a boy who desperately wants to become a man.

According to the customs of his village, he must be given a totem during his adulthood ceremony. During this ceremony, the spirits of the ancestors reveal this totem to Tanana, the shaman woman of the village.

After Kenai mistakenly kills a bear, Kenai’s ancestors turn into a bear as punishment. In his new condition, Kenai feels very confused and unsure of what to do and how to solve his problem. However, the wise Tanana quickly comes to his aid.

Tanana tells him to travel to a sacred mountain to break the spell. She also explains to Kenai that Sitka, his recently deceased brother, gave him his bear shape. If Kenai had never received directions from Tanana, he would never have been able to reach his destination and reverse the spell.

Shaman women in cartoons

Mama Odie, a queen in the swamp

The Princess and the Frog  is a 2009 movie. Like the movie Moana, Ron Clements and John Musker also directed this movie. The film tells the story of Tiana, a young black woman who dreams of opening her own restaurant.

While attending a very important party, Tiana kisses a frog who turns into a charming prince. As a result of the spell, Tiana also becomes a frog. She must now try to break the spell with Prince Naveen, the enchanted frog.

During their journey, Naveen and Tiana meet the crocodile Louis, an amateur trumpeter. Louis tells them that Mama Odie is the only person who can break their spell.

Mama Odie is a good-natured voodoo priestess who lives in the Bayou. The Bayou is the swamp near the city of New Orleans. According to the people who live in New Orleans and the surrounding area, Mama Odie has many powers.

She’s a bit crazy and eccentric. Yet Mama Odie possesses much wisdom. The shaman woman Mama Odie tries to make sure that Tiana and Naveen find a solution to their problem by using their own resources. She prefers not to solve everything with magic. Tiana and Naveen get to know each other well and eventually fall in love.

The knowledge that grows with age

In these three examples, we can see that shaman women are willing to share their knowledge. They want the people around them to be happy and achieve their goals. In each of the stories, these shaman women actively intervene in the lives of the heroes or heroines.

These wise old women use the vast amount of experience from their lives to develop their intelligence. Much of their knowledge comes from their understanding of their culture and its magical elements. However, they also acquire knowledge as they grow older.

You don’t have to be part of an indigenous community to find shamanic wisdom. There are many experienced and wise people willing to give you good advice on your life path. You just have to listen! 

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