The ‘rebound Relationship’ To Ease The Pain Of A Breakup

The 'rebound relationship' to ease the pain of a breakup

If you’ve decided to read this, it’s probably because you’ve had a broken heart at least once in your life. Maybe you just started a new relationship and you have doubts about your feelings. Is it a rebound relationship? Or worse, am I the rebound?

What you know is that you’ve been through a difficult time and you don’t want to experience the same unnecessarily again. You know that love always comes spontaneously, that it is blind and optimistic, yet there is doubt in your mind. Something isn’t quite right.

How do you know if you’re in a rebound relationship?

Love is uncontrollable and unpredictable, which means it can end, and not always in the way you see fit. However, a love that has only just begun has the merit of being special and making you feel special. Each partner is blind to the other, sees only perfection, and leaves no room for doubt.

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The rebound effect often occurs in relationships that are entered just after a long relationship has broken up. Often this happens within a year of the end of the previous relationship. Rebound relationships are also characterized by their short duration and relatively unstable nature.

This happens because the person has not dealt with their emotional loss properly. That is, he hasn’t had enough time to accept what has happened or to heal the still-fresh wound. Acceptance is skipped by plunging into a new experience that will make the process easier.

The consequences of the rebound effect

As Ernesto PĂ©rez rightly said, one nail cannot remove another. Because we are people with feelings, we need time to process the experience and give it a place. Everyone occupies their own place in our lives and hearts, and it is a mistake to try to fill the same place with another.

It is a mistake because by doing this we are either cheating ourselves or cheating or using the other. A rebound relationship is like a mask that hides our personal needs. Deep down, we only add to the burden of the breakup and act unfairly.

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The consequences of a rebound relationship affect not only the new partner, but also you. You need to let yourself feel the pain to avoid future suffering and give yourself another chance at a real relationship.

If, on the other hand, you think you are the rebound, be extremely careful. Try to look very closely and understand how the other person is feeling, be wary, and only give in to the relationship if you are sure that the bond you have created is healthy for both of you. Keep in mind that the other person may not be able to decide what they really want at this point.

Learn to be single

Although you can feel quite lonely after a breakup, throwing yourself headlong into a new relationship is simply not the right way to handle it. If someone recently left you with a void in your heart, only you can ease your pain and get yourself back together.

It is necessary to learn how to be single, especially during the times when life throws you the worst, so that you will not be single forever. Hiding yourself from the burden and fear will not help you move forward, the same goes for thinking that your happiness depends on other people.

Don’t strive for a relationship when you’re actually incapable of loving, overcome your past without erasing it, and don’t move forward until you’re ready. In this way you can gradually find a balance and love again.

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