The Pleasure Of Giving And Helping

The joy of giving and helping

Life is full of thoughts, feelings, negative people… While we may sometimes feel tempted to give in to negativity, we should always focus on the things that make us feel good about ourselves.

There are plenty of things we can do to feel good about ourselves. Things that give us a feeling that nothing compares to. A sense of satisfaction that produces great bliss.

Today you will discover one of the great pleasures in life: the pleasure of giving and helping,  something that can give us a sense of complete satisfaction. What if you put this into practice from today?

Learn not to expect anything in return

Woman with little bird

One of the most common thoughts or actions that we as humans are guilty of is to give something and then want some kind of reward in return. You cannot call this giving and helping. This will not provide the same satisfaction as giving completely of your own free will without expecting anything in return.

Have you ever helped or given someone something without really expecting anything in return? Did this give you an inexplicable sense of well-being? Promoting small things that we often consider unimportant can make us much happier.

A smile to the lady in the supermarket, helping someone with his bags when he has to carry way too much at once, someone walking in front of you returning his bag when it falls… All this, all these small gestures that we voluntarily show will induce an inexplicable sense of well-being.

It is sometimes said that ‘he who gives the most will receive the most’ , but this only applies if you never expect anything in return, some kind of reward or compensation for your actions. Practice a generous way of helping others; this will allow you to feel good about yourself and make others feel good about themselves too.

Helping people who really need it


Perhaps you have had the experience of trying to help someone and that person turned down your help and ended up looking like you hadn’t helped at all. We should pay close attention and see who really needs our help and who can solve their problems themselves. Sometimes some people need to solve their difficulties on their own so that they can grow stronger and learn.

There are also people who do not want help because their pride and arrogance makes them take help from others as offensive. When you offer them your help, they will think that you think they are weak and this makes them feel uncomfortable. Try not to force yourself on others in these situations. The people who reject your help don’t deserve your insistence and you may just make it worse.

Help and give freely to the people who really need it. People close to your heart or complete strangers. Giving and helping can also be a great way to make friends, interact with others, and discover special and beautiful people.

And even if you get nothing in return, the pleasure you feel when you give or help others in a selfless way cannot be felt in any other way.

Everything we do affects our future. How can we whine about how bad things are going in our lives if we have behaved badly in the past? Kindness, goodness, that is what will really pay off. Giving and receiving smiles, giving and receiving kindness.

The world is a place where much can still be discovered. Positive things. But we should start by putting more value on these kinds of small gestures that we didn’t really care about until now.

What we give we will, one way or another, get back. Start giving and helping even more today. How does this make you feel? Has your life changed because of this? Your life will become much more positive and you will become much happier yourself. Shall we prove it?

Water in Hands

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