The People Who Are Always There For You Also Need Attention

The people who are always there for you also need attention

They provide us with care and affection so that we will feel valued, safe and supported when life gets difficult or when we are upset or disappointed about something that is important to us. They are always there for us and always know exactly what to say or do to make us feel better.

The people who are always there for everyone keep their own grief to themselves if possible. But what if their daily life becomes too overwhelming for them? They too deserve attention without having to ask for it.


Why we should pay attention to those who care for us

Think of the affection you get from the people who give you their attention as a kind of reward. It is extremely important that we show these emotional guides who help us through life the same kindness that they show us.

Perhaps these are our parents, our grandparents, siblings, friends or partners. Or even a colleague who is always doing his best to help us with our work, to make our day or improve our mood.

We often don’t appreciate that their positive attitude is something they choose voluntarily. And we don’t realize how much this is worth our recognition.

These people act out of kindness, they offer support, affection and attention, without asking for anything in return, not even recognition. The least we should do is be by their side and also take care of them when they need it.


Ways to show attention, affection and interest

While we often forget to show attention, affection, and interest to the people who love us, there really are all kinds of ways we can do this.

How? Through little things. You really don’t have to go out of your way to make those you value feel special or to thank the people you love for being there for you. Here are some key points:

  • Don’t demand anything from them, not even being there for you. If they choose to, it’s because they want to, not because they’re obligated to. Try not to demand that they do something for you, either directly or indirectly.
  • Make it a habit to pay attention to the details of their daily lives: asking sincerely how they are doing, listening carefully, and talking about their experiences and feelings is key to maintaining balance.
  • Be understanding. Maybe sometimes they don’t want to listen to you or don’t pay as much attention to you as they normally do. This doesn’t mean you’re not important to them, it just means they’re focused on other things right now.
  • Show affection when the circumstances call for it and recognize how much effort they put in to be there for everyone all the time. Also let them know that they too have someone they can count on when they need it.

Being compliant is quite different from being considerate

It is also important to know the difference between someone who is considerate and someone who is overly accommodating. Being considerate and caring for someone does not violate the other person’s right to freedom and self-determination.

However, always wanting to please others results in a loss of identity and the freedom to do what we want. The person who always tries to please will also end up feeling frustrated because they will never be able to please everyone.

It is therefore important to work on our self-esteem and to determine our desires, thoughts and actions. In light of this, we must remember that before we can worry about the welfare of others, we must first make sure that our own needs are met.


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