The Many Faces Of Work-related Fatigue

The various forms of work-related fatigue are all expressions of exhaustion. They have different causes and are not all equally serious. We will analyze that in this article.
The many faces of work-related fatigue

Work-related fatigue comes in different forms. Some shapes have consequences that last long after you leave the workplace, which is why it is so important to know and understand how to identify them.

However, some of the symptoms are irreversible. Often the problem is that you are so preoccupied with your work that you don’t even realize there is a problem.

Fatigue is the temporary inability to do certain work, although you have been doing this work many times before without any problems. All different types of fatigue, including work-related fatigue, have physical, emotional, and intellectual components.

Work-related fatigue varies in intensity and symptoms. We can therefore divide this problem into different classifications.

This classification is based on which area is affected, as well as the origin of the fatigue. This allows you to approach the many faces of work-related fatigue from different angles. Below we will discuss the main types.

A tired man is sitting at his desk

The classifications of work-related fatigue

Fatigue has many possible causes. Sometimes physical work causes this kind of fatigue, but other times mental tasks or high stress levels can be the triggers.

  • Physical fatigue. Fatigue caused by overexertion of the psychomotor system is called physical fatigue. It can be caused by lifting too much weight, but also, for example, by having a bad posture. Existing injuries or unhealthy movements can also cause this.
  • Mental fatigue. This is a type of work-related fatigue that often goes unnoticed. The most common causes for this are intellectual overload or excessive monotony. It often leads to health problems.
  • Manual fatigue. This form of fatigue is caused by excessive mechanical work over a long period of time. Manual fatigue is also often accompanied by insufficient cognitive and sensory stimulation.
  • Sensory fatigue. Sensory fatigue can arise when one of the senses becomes overstimulated. People who have to look at a screen all day long to work often suffer from sensory fatigue.
  • Nervous fatigue. This type of fatigue is caused by repetitive automatic tasks.
  • Psychological fatigue. People who have a lot of responsibilities at work also often suffer from psychological fatigue. This is because they often have to make important decisions very quickly. Doctors and air traffic controllers are good examples of these types of jobs.
  • Information fatigue. If your job requires you to manage a lot of data, you can suffer from information fatigue. The information you absorb then overwhelms your mental capacity to process everything.
  • Emotional fatigue. Occupations such as nurse, teacher or therapist can be very emotionally demanding. This kind of fatigue can quickly lead to a burnout, if you don’t take good care of yourself.

Varying intensities

You can also classify the different forms of work-related fatigue according to their intensity or consequences. This categorization is more technical, as it relates directly to the effects on physical and mental health.

From this point of view, there are two primary types of work-related fatigue, namely the following:

  • The first is physiological fatigue. This is the normal tiredness you feel after prolonged exercise. To get rid of this form of fatigue, all you need to do is rest.
  • The second kind is pathological fatigue, which does not go away with rest.
A woman leans against the wall

The category of pathological fatigue can also be divided into different categories, namely the following:

  • acute fatigue. This state of extreme fatigue occurs after greater than normal physical, intellectual, or emotional exertion. Just rest won’t help, as we said above. Resolving acute fatigue takes much more time.
  • Chronic fatigue. This is fatigue that accumulates over time. It requires deep and prolonged rest. If left untreated, chronic fatigue can even lead to death.
  • Mental fatigue. This is the most severe form of fatigue. It is chronic fatigue with significant physical and mental symptoms. This form of fatigue is irreversible and prevents the person from being able to continue doing their job.

Finally, there are many iterations of work-related fatigue, which is why it is so important to understand the signs and symptoms. You don’t feel exhausted and tired for nothing. Don’t ignore your symptoms! You have to understand that working overtime doesn’t make you a better employee. It only endangers your health.

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