The Legend Of The Rainbow Bridge, The Final Resting Place For Our Pets

The Legend of the Rainbow Bridge, the final resting place for our pets

Legend tells us that when our four-legged friends (and every other animal we’ve loved) say goodbye to us with a sigh, they walk across the rainbow bridge. On the other side of this bridge are meadows and hills, a beautiful landscape where they can run, play and enjoy their freedom.

It is said that, on the other side of the rainbow bridge, there is enough space, food, water and sunshine for all animals to feel good. Moreover, this legend tells us that all animals that were sick, maimed or badly injured when they died, have their full health again there and are glowing with bliss.

According to this beautiful legend, our friends there are happy and content except for one thing, which is that they are missing someone special who they had to leave behind on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Therefore, while they are all running around and playing, one of them may suddenly look up and gaze at the horizon.

Little Boy Walking His Dog Through The Woods Before Going Over The Rainbow Bridge

The reunion of our souls according to legend

His body trembles and excitedly he begins to remove himself from the group and quickly run across the land. This is when our pets see us standing in the middle of the bridge and race over to say hello. Legend has it that humans and animals, intimate soul mates, are reunited at that moment, never to be separated from each other again.

Our pet can’t stop licking our faces and our hands keep petting our four-legged friend, our beloved creature. From that moment on, we remain united forever, through a loving and noble gaze.

This legend fills our hearts with hope when we lose our beloved pets. It helps us, metaphorically, to understand that when an animal leaves this world, it remains in our hearts forever, even though we can no longer enjoy its physical warmth.

A Man's Hand And Dog's Paw That Together Form A Heart Before The Dog Has To Go Over The Rainbow Bridge

The rainbow bridge of abandoned animals

Fortunately, this legend also does not overlook those animals that during their life on Earth could not enjoy the love of a human being. Our narration of this legend continues as follows…

‘Suddenly the day dawned on the Rainbow Bridge in a very different way than on those normal sunny days; this was a cold, gray day, the saddest day imaginable. The newcomers didn’t know what to think, they had never experienced a day like this after crossing the rainbow bridge. But the animals that had been waiting for their loved ones for a long time knew exactly what was going on, and they lined up on the road leading to the bridge to see what was about to happen.

They waited for a while and then a very large animal arrived with its head down and its tail between its legs. The animals that had been on the other side of the rainbow bridge for a while knew immediately what the story of this dog was, because they had already seen this incident several times. The animal was slowly approaching, and it was obvious that it was in a lot of emotional pain, despite the fact that there was no physical sign of pain.

Unlike the other animals waiting on the bridge, this animal’s youth, health and bliss had not been fully restored. As he walked toward the bridge, he watched all the other animals stare at him. He knew this wasn’t his place and that once he crossed the bridge he would be happy. But this would not be the case. As the bridge approached, an angel appeared, sadly apologizing to the dog and telling him not to go to the other side. Only the animals accompanied by their loved ones were allowed to walk across the rainbow bridge.

With nowhere else to go, the large animal turned and saw in the meadows on the other side a group of animals just like itself, some older, some very vulnerable. These animals weren’t playing, they were simply lying on the grass, watching the road leading to the bridge. The dog joined the group and also sat and watched the road, waiting.

Woman Playing With Her Dog Before Going Over The Rainbow Bridge

One of the newcomers on the other side of the bridge didn’t understand what he had just seen and asked another if he could explain what had happened. ‘See that poor animal and those other animals next to him? Those are the animals that have never had an owner. At least he ended up in an animal shelter; he entered the shelter as you see him now, an old animal, with gray hair and slightly blurred vision. But he was never collected from the shelter and died in the care of his companion, who accompanied him as he waited to leave the country. Since he had no family to love him, he has no one to help him.’

The newcomer paused for a moment and then asked, “And what will happen to him now?” Before he could get an answer, the sky began to clear and a very strong wind caused the animals on the other side of the bridge to disappear from view. They saw a lone person approaching the bridge, and among the older animals suddenly a whole group was submerged in golden light, suddenly all of them were young, healthy animals, full of life again. “Look and you’ll understand,” said the other dog.

Girl Cuddling Her Dog Before Crossing The Rainbow Bridge

A few other animals who were also waiting walked up to the road and bowed their heads as the person approached. As he walked past each head, he touched each head briefly, stroking some animals, and scratching others lovingly behind their ears. The animals that had become young again had to line up behind him and follow him to the bridge. Then they walked together across the bridge to the other side.

“Who was that?” asked the newcomer. And the other animal said, ‘That person was a very great animal lover and he did his best to protect animals. The animals that bowed their heads in respect were the ones that people like him had found a new home for. Of course all those animals will be taken to the other side of the bridge when it’s their time for this, when the people who were their new family arrive here.”

“But the older animals you saw that were being rejuvenated were the animals that never found a home…and since they never had a family, they couldn’t cross the bridge. When a person who has done their best on earth to help these kinds of animals arrives here, as a last gesture of love, these animals are given the chance to walk to the other side of the bridge. They get the chance to walk with all those poor animals for whom no family could be found on earth, so that they too can get to the other side of the rainbow bridge.

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