The Four Most Common Headaches

In this article, you will learn how to recognize the signs of the four most common types of headaches.
The four most common types of headaches

Headaches are  one of the most common sources of discomfort. Because their cause is often unknown, it can help to recognize the symptoms of the most common types of headaches.

That way, you can effectively treat the discomfort that afflicts you. In this article, you’ll discover some of the signs and hints that can point to the four most common headaches.

Headaches are relatively rarely a symptom of a serious or dangerous illness. Sometimes they are caused by stress, sometimes by a poor diet or lack of exercise. Sometimes it’s a sign that something else is going on in your body.

The importance of knowing the most common types of headaches

It is important to remember that  not all types of headaches are the same or have the same causes. That’s why it’s important to listen to your body and be able to recognize some of the signs of the most common types of headaches.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO in English for short)  , headaches are the most common health ailment in the world. The WHO finds that frequent headaches can be the beginning of what is known as a “headache disorder.”

In addition, the WHO reported that most headaches are treated appropriately in primary care settings without the need to see a specialist.

The four most common types of headaches

To relieve your headache, it is important to know what type of headache you have. Following are the four most common types of headaches and their causes.

1. Migraine

Migraine is a neurological disorder of which pulsating pain is the most common symptom. Sometimes it occurs in combination with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or sensitivity to light and sound.

However, migraines can range between mild and intense. It’s a spectrum. In addition, it often occurs on one side of the head (left or right) – but it is not impossible for this type of headache to occur on both sides.

Woman with migraine

A migraine can last from several hours to days. On average, an attack lasts between 12 and 18 hours at a time, but this can take up to 72 hours. In addition, a migraine can be so intense that the sufferer cannot complete his or her usual daily activities.

Although the main cause of migraines is unknown, a number of related factors have been identified. For example, hormonal fluctuations or certain foods such as chocolate, salted cheese or drinks such as wine can contribute to a migraine. Strong smells, lack of sleep or even stress can also play a role in this.

2. Tension Headache

Tension headache often manifests itself in a nagging, oppressive and constant pain that often manifests itself around the forehead and neck. One can often also experience pressure on both sides of the head.

The main cause of this is also unknown. However, fatigue and stress (hence the name “ tension headache”) are associated with this condition by experts.

There are several ways in which the pain associated with this can be reduced. Think of cooling or heating the head or applying relaxation techniques.

The pain is often mild or moderate. There is generally some relief when the source of the tension is resolved, but these types of headaches can last for hours to days if not done.

3. Sinus Headache

This type of discomfort often manifests itself as pain in the face and head. Many experts see a connection between sinus headaches and inflammation of the sinuses.

This inflammation arises from what is known as sinusitis . In general, however, this type of headache can also occur during an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. You can think of a cold.

Because this often occurs during an inflammation, one usually also gets a fever. The discomfort intensifies with sudden head movement or excessive exertion. To avoid this type of headache, we recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining your immune system.

Most Common Headaches

4. Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are one of the most extreme forms of common headaches. It is quite rare and affects more men than women. Normally, this type of headache is accompanied by swelling, red eyelids, watery eyes and a stuffy nose.

Cluster headaches also manifest as pain in the eyes or around them. This pain is often felt on one side of the head. Like the other types of headaches, the exact cause is unknown. However, certain habits such as smoking can be seen as risk factors. Moreover, a hereditary component can also play a role in this.

In conclusion, we can say that headaches can be triggered by all kinds of factors. However, keep in mind that recurrent headaches be the first symptom of a serious disease  can be. That’s why it’s best to see your doctor if regular painkillers don’t relieve the pain. 

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