The Five Languages ​​of Love According To Gary Chapman

Each of us speaks our own love languages, so it’s likely that we’ve all dealt with someone who expresses their love differently than we do. However, that doesn’t make the love any less sincere or real. And then we have the people who don’t seem to love at all. However, they simply use a language that is still unknown to us.

Love, like language, has many nuances. That’s why in 1995 Gary Chapman described the five love languages ​​he believes exist. He included both the way one expresses love and the way one receives it.

Each person tends to speak two languages ​​of love in which they can most relate and feel loved. Perhaps someone prefers to express their love with one love language, but prefers to receive it through another. The five languages ​​of love that Chapman describes are the following:

1. Physical Touch

Physical contact is one of the simplest languages ​​of love because it requires no words. People who prefer this language enjoy touch, hugs. They feel comforted in the arms of others. Little ones, when this is one of their predominant languages ​​of love, feel comforted by being held or carried. They enjoy massages or sitting on your lap.

Older children (especially boys aged seven to nine) who enjoy this kind of love can express it in unusual ways. This includes fighting, wrestling, soccer or basketball. Yet it remains a form of physical contact that makes them feel loved and cared for.

2. Encouraging Words

This group includes people who need affection to be expressed in words. They love compliments. Hearing these beautiful words motivates them and makes them happy.

They will love to express their love through love letters, where the words can describe everything they feel. They will love encouraging people with their words.

Words have incredible power, and they leave their mark on our behavior, even if they only take a few seconds to pronounce. We must become aware of their power to speak this particular language of love.

3. Quality time

Giving the people we love the best part of our time is a way of expressing how we feel about them. It means setting aside quality time in our busy schedule, with complete dedication, to be one with the other in body and mind. It doesn’t really matter what you do together. The most important thing is the person we spend time with.

4. Receive gifts

Some people like to receive and give gifts. But it doesn’t have to be a material gift or something very expensive. What matters is how thoughtful the gift is. And of course that it is given out of love. It’s about getting to know the other better through small, but meaningful gifts. In other words, gifts are a way of expressing love for another, but never a means of getting something.

5. The last of the languages ​​of love is helpfulness

Helpfulness includes the things a person does as a way of showing what he or she is feeling. There are many different examples of this: preparing a meal with love, taking care of the household, taking care of the other person when they are sick. They are simple acts, but they show love.

Now you know what the five languages ​​of love are. And now you can see how not everyone expresses love in the same way. Love knows many languages ​​and being aware of this opens the door to a world full of sweet words, thoughtful gifts and warm hugs.

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