The Fear That Hides Behind Sloppiness

The fear that hides behind sloppiness

There is a whole host of fears that hide behind clutter. Neglecting cleanliness is much more than a lack of time or negligence. Our environment is actually a projection of our inner world. If this is true, our sloppiness says a lot!

Our carelessness is almost always associated with another phenomenon: collecting things. If we don’t have much, it’s hard to create a mess. On the other hand, when we collect different things, it starts to take time to put them in their proper place, clean them or find a space for them where they will not get in the way.

T egelijkertijd we tend to, without realizing it, to create the mess only in certain parts of the house. This also means something. It is almost always related to some form of fear. Let’s take a look at the fears hidden behind the clutter. But first, we will examine the phenomenon of collecting.

Collect different types

Collecting is the first step to sloppiness. It seems unimportant, but in reality it is a telling expression of what we have within us. It is said that there are basically two types of collecting: the ancient and the present.


The old collecting has to do with all those things that are supposedly very valuable to us. That’s why we’ve decided to keep them, even though sometimes we don’t have a place to put them. When the items have been around for a long time, we keep them with us, even if they are not of great value. They may even be junk, but we still consider them valuable.

Current collecting, on the other hand, refers to everyday objects that we use, but which we do not put back in the right place. Clothes, toiletries, toys, papers or anything that we take out of place and then don’t put it back. We don’t find the time to organize it and just pile up things.

Both forms of collecting also reflect those fears hidden behind the mess. In the case of the old collecting, this has to do with the fear of letting go of the past. There is a fear of accepting the new and the old, and it makes us feel good and safe. In present collecting, this means that we hate something that happens in the present and are afraid to face it.

The fears that hide behind the sloppiness

As we explained before, the places with the most clutter testify to the fears hidden behind the messiness. Having a lot of clutter in the kitchen is not the same as in the living room.

Mess at home

Let’s see the main meanings behind it:

  • The sloppiness in the kitchen shows emotional vulnerability or resentment that is not overcome.
  • When the clutter builds up behind the doors, it means there is a fear of being rejected by others, or a sense of being watched.
  • The carelessness at the entrance of the house means that there is a fear of relating to others.
  • If too many objects are piled up in the garage, it means fear of the new.
  • A mess in the hallways shows difficulties in communicating what is thought and felt.
  • When there is disorder in the dining room, it means that it exerts too much influence on the family and wants to control the family members.
  • Carelessness in the whole house shows apathy, anger at life and laziness towards oneself.
  • Disorganized objects in the room signify fear and refusal to form relationships with others, or to open up to the world.

Other sloppy places

A link between carelessness and anxiety can be established. In this case, it’s because the objects act as a smoke screen, or a barrier trying to hide something. What are they hiding? Fear. Disorder shows that they want to hide or lose sight of something.

Other fears that hide behind the clutter have to do with the furniture. If you’re accumulating clutter on your desk or workspace, it shows hidden frustration and a desire to keep everything under control. If everything is hidden under the furniture, it means that we fear the opinion of others.

Clothes on the floor

Apart from all the possible meanings they may have, the truth is that constant sloppiness is something that can become an obstacle. It is good to disconnect from time to time from what can be left behind. It is also good for us to regularly empty our personal spaces. Going through life lighter is much better. It means getting rid of everything that makes mobility difficult, both physically and emotionally. 

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