The Best Is Yet To Come

The best has yet to come

It’s not hard to imagine why certain popular expressions are so popular, such as “everything used to be better”. This expression, the opposite of ” the best is yet to come “, is a nostalgic idea, especially coming from older people  who have lived for many, many years. They say it out of nostalgia for everything that has happened in their lives.

The longing for something lost prevents us from enjoying the things that are yet to come. That’s why the past isn’t always better – instead, the best is yet to come.

We have the great ability to be surprised again and again. This is something that we should not take for granted. There are always new things to learn, discover and feel on our skin.

I want life to go the way I want it

We all want to be happy, so we often make the mistake of forgetting that happiness also requires some sadness. In other words, it has to rain before the rainbow appears. Both are part of nature. Happiness and tears complement each other and are both equally real and inescapable.

Woman with Flower Branches

We want life to go the way we want it to, but we don’t accept that this means every moment: good and bad,  falling down the mountain over and over until you reach the top.

We usually don’t accept that life lets us live fully until we learn to appreciate all the positive it gives us. It keeps us alert and makes us grow. That’s why the best is yet to come. Because the mountains, like emotions, are infinite, until we no longer exist.

Life begins at forty

They say life doesn’t really start until forty. At this age we have seen enough to admit that the past is made up of lessons and sometimes nostalgia.

It is then that we understand that the future is an illusion, because it depends on the present  and that this present is the only thing that shapes what is yet to come. We have the opportunity to continuously improve and not to go backwards.

At 40, we begin to see that happiness does not depend on anyone but ourselves. We also begin to demand from life whatever we deserve: we love ourselves a little more, we are more humble, and our dreams are more cohesive. That means  we understand our limits and have made enough mistakes to know there is always something better.

Don’t resign yourself to memories, make new ones: the best is yet to come

As we leave puberty and childhood behind, we may have a tendency to relive the moments of the past over and over again. Memories become more frequent as we get older and that’s not a bad thing. The negative of this only comes into play if you get stuck in it,  you only remember the bad things and forget “today”.

We cannot forget the here and now, because as we have already said, that is the only place where you can develop the necessary principles for tomorrow. Likewise, remembering is not a bad thing and neither is dreaming. We need dreams that give us hope and life. But we cannot dream that  we can get lost in our own reality.

To dream

The best is yet to come from the moment you accept this: a past that serves as a handle to support yourself in the present and a future that holds our curiosity, but also keeps our feet on the ground.

The best has yet to come. There is always a glimmer of possibility that helps us grow and not get stuck.

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