The Association Between Soda And Aggressiveness In Children

It may sound strange, but several scientific studies have shown the link between soda and aggressiveness in children. So read on quickly to find out more.
The link between soda and aggressiveness in children

Many  parents may find it strange that soda can increase aggressive behavior in their children. Strange as this may sound, science says it’s true. Several studies have shown the link between soft drinks and aggressiveness in children.

Experts say there is a clear link between aggressive behavior in children and the amount of soda they drink. Does this apply to all types of soft drinks? Is it a result of the sugar, caffeine, carbon dioxide and additives they contain or is it a combination of several factors?

Soft drinks, children and health

We are slowly becoming aware of the benefits of eliminating sugary drinks from children’s diets. Doctors and nutritionists have always argued that soft drinks provide children with empty calories.

The result is a higher number of obese children. Dentists also discourage children from drinking sugary drinks. After all, the fact is that they are the main cause of cavities.

Many soft drinks also contain a lot of caffeine. Caffeine does so much more than just change a child’s mood and keep them awake late. It can also cause headaches, stomach pain and nervousness.

In addition, it can make it difficult to fall asleep. It also makes children more prone to behavioral and nervous system disorders. Caffeine can have these effects on children even in small amounts.

Soda children and health

Soda and aggressiveness in children

You should never neglect the behavioral problems associated with soda consumption. In 2013,  The Journal of Pediatrics published  a study. In this study it was found that aggressiveness, physical dependence and attention problems in young children are closely linked to the consumption of soft drinks.

The researchers examined 3,000 20-year-old children in 20 different cities in the United States. They found that consumption of soft drinks was linked to aggressive behavior.

The scientists tried to isolate the influence of these drinks by eliminating other important factors such as maternal depression, a father in prison and domestic violence. Children who drank four or more glasses of soda in one day were also more likely to destroy other people’s belongings over time.

The link with aggressiveness in children is not very clear

The link between soft drinks and aggressiveness in children is not very clear. Soft drinks are processed products. The researchers therefore suspect that ingredients such as aspartic acid or phosphoric acid are behind the behavioral problems in children.

Caffeine can also cause behavioral problems in children. So researchers also think that the presence of caffeine in soft drinks may be part of the problem.

In addition, a high intake of sugary drinks can also affect blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar in children can then make them really want to drink soda. It can make them aggressive or shy.

The Dangers of Soda Drinking by Teens

Multiple studies have also found that soda consumption in teens is linked to behavioral and emotional difficulties.

The  International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion  has published another study. This study linked soda consumption to aggressiveness, depression, and suicidal behavior in teens (Solnick and Hemenway, 2013).

The more soda teens drink, the more likely they are to get involved in fights, according to experts. In addition, they were also able to find that teens are also more likely to feel depressed or desperate and have suicidal thoughts.

The Dangers of Soda in Teens

We can connect aggressive behavior with drinking soda

We try to summarize it in a few words. There are many factors that can make a child aggressive. We can say that the consumption of soft drinks is an important factor. Eliminating these drinks from your kids’ diets can actually improve their behavior.

Carbonated sugary drinks, soft drinks, processed juices, caffeinated drinks and energy drinks can be harmful. It is especially important that you do not let your children drink energy drinks, including sports drinks. Many of these drinks contain stimulants such as guarana, taurine and large amounts of caffeine.

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