That Voice In Your Head…is Your Ego

That voice in your your ego

That voice in your head that guides you and gives you an answer when you ask who you are… that voice we call the ego. But do you know what it really is?

Your ego is the product of the emotions, thoughts and memories that have accumulated throughout your entire life. But it also has to do with specific beliefs that determine how you view reality. Moreover, you believe that this is the only true way.

The ego tends to use labels such as nationality or race. It also identifies with everything you own, including the way you view society. But what happens if you lose this at some point? What happens if you have to give up your nationality because you move to another country or if you lose your belongings?

When everything you identify with disappears, you sink into an existential crisis because you think you’ve lost your identity. It happens because you forget that you are not that voice in your head. You are not your ego, even though your ego is part of you.

What is the purpose of that voice in your head?

You may think, if the ego is somewhat ‘negative’, why does it exist and why is it so hard to avoid directing our lives? Well, the ego is nothing more than a survival mechanism. Because from birth we have unconsciously built up our ego.

What do parents do once they have a baby? They give it a name. That’s the first identification. Then the baby starts to grow. He understands that there are possessive pronouns such as ‘my’. He begins to identify with these words: ‘this doll is mine, not yours’.

A girl's face from multiple angles

As the child grows, his environment will teach him rules and habits. So it will understand what it can and cannot do. Then it will also behave in a certain way. In addition, it will also suck up the beliefs that dominate his family: ‘all men are the same’, ‘if you say no to everything, people will not like you’…

That voice in your head allows you to survive by quickly learning the rules of this game called life. You know how to make people like you. But your ego is always looking outside of you. It makes you believe that you need a relationship, lots of friends, and outside approval to be happy. But that’s actually not true.

Behind the ego is your true self

To break out of this identification with the ego, it can help to think about the difference between what this voice imposes on you and the person you really are. Whenever you judge someone or compare yourself to someone, you need to know how to stop this and say ‘wait, this isn’t me, this is just what my ego says I am’.

Because it’s that voice in your head that screams ‘she’s better than you are’. It’s that voice that makes you feel like you’re not worth it. Your ego can destroy your self-esteem. It’s also that voice in your head that always makes you feel insecure. This happens even in situations you know you’re good at. It is important that you understand this.

Listening to the voice in your head or to your true self

Behind the ego is where your true self is. It’s a self that you usually don’t listen to, even if it’s trying to get your attention. Just believe me. It’s a self that says ‘end that relationship of abuse’. But the ego drowns out your true self. Because it says things like ‘what will happen if you’re single at your age? You better stay in this relationship.”

This voice in your head may have helped you survive since you were born. It made you adapt to the society you grew up in. But still, there comes a point where it is no longer useful and actually becomes your enemy.

So if you don’t educate your ego, whenever you can, it will cause you to compare yourself to others. It will make you feel as if it is the others who determine whether you are happy or not… And then this identification will probably get stronger over time.

Do the exact opposite. Free yourself from your ego. Question it. Because sometimes the ego is a big liar. It is a huge mistake to identify with it. It will not be easy to let the ego step aside or take away its authority. In fact, it can even make you doubt whether you are anything without your ego. Then cover your ears. In many cases, your ego is just an appearance. It is the voice of your fears.

Girl holding roses in front of her face

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