Stop Reacting And Live A Creative Life

Creative people are brave and take risks. When life hits them hard, they don’t respond by lying down. They act in an innovative way and see opportunities. They listen to their intuition to find original answers.
Stop reacting and start living a creative life

It can be a big challenge to start a creative life. It mainly means that you have to be able to break old patterns and habits. Creativity is synonymous with self-development and guts. Both things can help you build a freer life.

When people talk about innovation and the importance of using your creative mind, they assume it means you are able to produce new and different ideas. If you’re convinced that’s all you need, you’ll be disappointed. Creativity is more than your cognitive abilities. It’s also about taking action.

This is the conclusion reached by experts at the most recent international conference on creativity at the Marconi Institute for Creativity in Bologna. An idea isn’t worth much if it doesn’t come to fruition. A project will never be carried out if you don’t bring involvement, responsibility and courage to it.

Let’s take a few examples. Sherlock Holmes wouldn’t have existed if Arthur Conan Doyle hadn’t worked diligently on his writing career. He has even put aside his career as a doctor to do just that.

Beethoven is another example. He composed his Ninth Symphony when he was almost deaf. These examples show that being creative goes beyond imagination. It takes tenacity and, in many cases, sacrifice.

A man with a luminous globe

Stop reacting: take action, take risks and live a creative life

Many people settle for a response to life. Things happen and the actions they take are like leaves blown away by the wind.

They forget that there is a certain time between an event and their reaction. This time is the key to everything. You can free yourself during that moment. It gives you the opportunity to act in a different, individual and innovative way.

The American Psychological Association (APA) collaborated with the University of Amsterdam on a study that showed that you can really improve your well-being if you start living a creative life.

When you put creativity into action, it’s easier to let go of negative behavior patterns from the past. From there you can build a better relationship with yourself. Ultimately, desire and behavior always go hand in hand.

It’s also important because it means you have more options if a problem arises. Ultimately, it is the creative people who move the world forward.

So how exactly can you start a creative life? How do you do that when your daily reality is full of rigid, inflexible structures and routines? Here are some of the most important things to work on.

Lateral thinking

Lateral thinking is a concept that Edward de Bono introduced in his 1967 book The Use of Lateral Thinking . He helped people understand the foundations of creativity.

Thinking laterally means going beyond logic. It means, among other things:

  • playing with reality
  • making combinations
  • discovering connections
  • breaking old patterns

This ability can also trigger your thought processes and help you find new, unfamiliar paths. It means going beyond the comfort of logic. It can also help you to see problems from new angles.

A woman silhouette with sunset

You can change more than you think

Your mind is probably full of thoughts like “I should” and “I should.” These are two powerful enemies who do nothing but let you live a life of obligations, stress and the fear of never being able to meet those inner demands.

You have to turn those thoughts off and create new thinking patterns. Of course you have to be sensible and do what needs to be done.

If you really analyze every branch of these mental forests, you realize that a lot of those responsibilities don’t help you. They stop you from growing and blooming. So don’t hesitate to prune the branches that cause senseless fear.

How do you start a creative life?

dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, director of the Imagination Institute at the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, has some tips for living more creatively. You have to be willing to try new things. Creativity does not come from situations where you are under high pressure. Routine kills your motivation, dreams and intuition.

Sometimes you have no choice but to step back and gain some perspective. The ability to get out of the bubble of your daily life can help you find new ways of looking at things.

Immersing yourself in new experiences can mean a lot. It leads you to do so many inspiring things, such as:

  • open your mind
  • to learn
  • read everything you get your hands on
  • to meet people
  • connect you with your reality on another level

Living a creative life can help you stop just reacting to the things that happen to you. If something hits you hard, don’t react from a place of inertia.

Do it in an innovative way to better adapt to the situation and to become bolder and more resilient. That is the only way to shape a better reality, a reality that aligns with your values ​​and desires.

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