Seven Great Truths About Love

Seven Great Truths About Love

Love is unconditional. It means giving yourself to the other. To love is to respect, understand, accept and let yourself be loved. But beneath all this are seven great truths about love. Often these go unnoticed or we take them for granted.

Is love limitless? Do I have to demand exactly what I give? Does my prince in the white horse really exist? These are the questions we have all asked ourselves. But the answers are still pending.

We will teach you some tricks so that you can find out for yourself how much truth there is in love.

Seven truths about love

Don’t idealize

Believing in the perfect man or woman is an idyllic dream that we must give up, the sooner the better. No one is made for someone else, no one is destined to be with that one person.

Love at first sight exists, but not as we think. Cupid has nothing to do with it in any case and it all depends entirely on the circumstances. Our experiences, the context in which we find ourselves and the culture to which we belong determine whether or not it happens.

We all have positive and negative qualities. Every love relationship will therefore also have its positive and negative aspects. There will be strengths that make us feel safe and weaknesses that we need to work on.

If we keep that in mind, we can be aware of the kind of relationship we have. It helps us to know which qualities we need to work on, and which will develop positively on their own.

Heart balloon in the sky

Experience the fullness of love by giving

The beauty of love is that when you love someone else, you love yourself at the same time. One of the great truths about love is that you can only love someone else if your self-esteem allows you to love yourself.

Love is a delicate gift that you can only find in the deepest part of your being. You can only admire someone else after you have accepted yourself.

Share your happiness, your devotion, with others and it will multiply. You will feel yourself growing. Your life will be full and bubbling with love and happiness. Why do we deny these feelings and the urge each of us has to show them?

It gets stronger with time, it doesn’t disappear

See love as a tree. In the beginning, you plant a small seed, full of strength and the desire to germinate. Little by little, if you give it enough water, it will grow into a small tree.

The first year it will be a bit unstable. But as you water it, the trunk becomes more robust. And if you take good care of it, it will get stronger and stronger.

In the beginning, the excitement of a new love makes everything run smoothly. But if our roots are not deep, the first storm can damage and even break the relationship, all of a sudden.

Couple in love forms a tree together

Love is not ephemeral. It continues to exist

Zygmunt Bauman coined the term “liquid love” to describe fragile relationships. Relationships in which everyone asks a lot, but no one actually gives anything.

It is selfish, banal, superficial love and it is the product of consumerism. We get tired of people as if they are unimportant things and start looking for someone else. It is the kingdom of replacement.

One of the great truths about love is that it is not fleeting, ephemeral, or frivolous. It is normal to have minor crises or inflexible moments, but in general it is an enduring condition that requires dedication and willingness.

Forever, but not forever

It is only too willingly believed that being in love with someone is enough to stay together forever. This is a truth about love that is only half a truth.

You have to have deep feelings towards the other person for a relationship to succeed. But you also need to nurture the relationship every day. It’s the little things that keep the fire of love burning. They remind you why you fell in love with your partner instantly and why it is worth being with him or her.

You have to get to know your other half, a little better every day. Small gestures that require little effort can make the other person very happy.

Someone who really loves you won’t make you cry

Many people find it important that their other half is willing to tell them the hard truth. Even if it hurts and makes them sad.

To a certain extent, you could indeed be grateful that someone points you to the truth. But really, you’re kidding yourself if you think it’s love for the other person to make you cry.

Yes he is honest, but not in the right way. Someone who loves you won’t hurt you. He will tell you things in a way that he knows will not harm you. He will try to understand you and he will not intend to make you cry or ignore your suffering, but to be with you and be your shoulder to cry on.

Melanie Greenberg, coach and mindfulness expert, has helpful advice about love. According to her, “love is one of the most important and least understood emotions.”

It is irrational, a skill that requires effort and practice. It is not automatic and it depends on each person’s willingness to work on it.

About love: couple in love hugging

The thin line between love and hate

Researchers have shown that romantic love and hate have an intimate relationship. Both generate activity in the same subcortical areas in the brain: the putamen and the insular cortex.

Although we usually view hate as something very negative, we must recognize that it is a feeling that is at least as interesting as love. Still, we must be careful.

Hate in romantic relationships usually has to do with an accumulation of small misunderstandings. It’s like the drop that broke the camel’s back. Although, of course, it can also happen abruptly if one of the partners commits a serious mistake.

So, as we can see, the truths about love have very little to do with the romances we see in books and movies. It takes effort, care, intention and willingness to make it work.

It is the most beautiful thing a person can experience, but it is also the most fleeting if you don’t take care of it, and the most dangerous if you cross the line.

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