Seven Amazing Benefits Of Reading

Seven Amazing Benefits of Reading

Reading affects our minds and lives in many different ways. From a psychological point of view, however, it has been proven that people who read regularly are able to improve their neural connectivity.

From an emotional point of view, it has also been shown that a person who reads regularly – generally fiction – has  a greater ability to understand the moods of others and to empathize with others.

The benefits of reading

Reading allows you to gain new experiences. But how? Well, it’s very simple. Literature, especially fiction, has a huge emotional impact on the reader and gives him the opportunity to experience emotions that otherwise he might not discover for decades. Moreover, he empathizes with the characters, as he constantly identifies with them throughout the story.

Literature is a great stimulator of reality. It’s like a time machine that can transport you to different situations or periods in no time, each with its own characteristics and characters. Because of this, literature can help us to be kinder to others. It teaches us to see the world from another person’s perspective and allows us to think about the consequences and problems that our actions could cause for others. It also teaches us the simplicity of virtues such as kindness, generosity, and sympathy.

Good literature has always pitted itself against hegemonic systems, systems that are only after money and power. Writers align themselves with an opposite idea of ​​the world. They help us empathize with the ideas and feelings that counteract this hypocrisy and outdated attitudes to the world.

Literature is a great cure for loneliness. In a good book you can undoubtedly find characters that you can identify with, and as a result you will discover the wealth of knowledge hidden in the story. If the book is interesting, it will make us completely immersed in it and make our loneliness disappear like snow in the sun, because the book itself becomes our best friend and companion.

Writers encourage us to open our hearts and expand our minds. They provide us with the tools we need to free ourselves from the madness and the sense of being chased that so often invade our psyche.

I would also add that literature is also very helpful because it helps us to better prepare for failure. No one wants to fail in life, but in the pages of a good book you will be able to find tools that will enable you to see that failure does exist and that you can overcome it and use it to your own advantage so that you can succeed. become stronger and eventually be able to achieve success.

Reading is a great habit for everyone, because the benefits I outlined above extend to everyone, regardless of age or personal condition. Of course, every age group has its own preferences and needs, but despite that, the results will always be the same.

Think of literature as an elixir that can help you move through life with a little more wisdom and grace. So if you have the chance to read a good book, don’t take it for granted.

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