Reading Gives Meaning To My Existence

Reading gives meaning to my existence

I am many things, I am one who learns to be humble in life, enriching myself every day. I am also the one who embarks on the difficult road called existence, trying to learn from my mistakes, my victories…

I surround myself with my people, I appreciate the here and now, I allow myself things, give in to my whims and embrace my reality with all my strength, while at the same time letting myself be charmed by the evenings with my books so that I can enter other lives. can dive, put myself in others. Because books are also part of my existence.

Reading is a form of happiness within the reach of anyone with an open mind, anyone who is able to get rid of his daily cares to pass through the sluice of knowledge, of passion, of delight and the loftiest mysteries of all of them.

People who love to read love the smell of books and people who love to read are always slightly sad when that last page is there. But this sorrow does not last, for for every novel read there are thousands of worlds waiting for us in the millions of pages in the world.

You are your experiences and everything you read


Have you ever doubted this? As the avid reader that you undoubtedly are, you should know that your identity, your personality, and your reasons for being are shaped by all of your experiences. The hours you spent reading have also shaped you into the authentic person you are today.

Reading is like a mansion with several windows. Those who are curious and dare to hang out will receive life lessons that leave not traces of pain, but footprints of knowledge.

If there’s one thing we should also keep in mind clearly, it’s the way we come to reading books. Perhaps it piqued your interest because you were surrounded by it at home, because you learned it from your parents. It’s also possible that that one particular title drugged you forever and opened the doors to the undeniable pleasure that is reading.

In fact, it is very common for those first children’s books to occupy a special place in our memories. Unforgettable discoveries that are part of who we are. We know we love to read, that our house is almost getting too small for those piles of books, but… Have you ever stopped to think about everything that books mean to you?

  • Reading is a form of daily freedom that offers us a refuge from all the stress and worry.
  • Reading is a very effective way to build up a cognitive reserve. Tomorrow we will have a brain full of multiple connections as strong as our strongest muscles, able to reduce the impact of possible dementia.
  • The joy of reading is the best legacy we can leave to our children.
  • Books make us cry, laugh and even fill us with the joy of fear… However, we appreciate all these intense emotions because they also encompass a way of life. They are part of our existence.
  • Many think that those who spend their day reading are escaping reality. This is not true. People who don’t read are slaves to their own limitations.
Reading and Fantasizing

Reading is an excellent daily therapy

We all feel empty, we all go through hard times and we all experience those existential doubts that we can’t always resolve, even with the help of those around us. Books can answer those many questions we ask ourselves and serve as our own authentic therapeutic tools.

If you experience doubts, if you want to gain knowledge, do not limit yourself to finding the answer in a single book. Consult all the books within your reach and polish your critical awareness. Sometimes there is not just one single truth, but truths are adaptable to what we need at a given moment.

Reading is a way of questioning ourselves. Being in someone else’s shoes can sometimes help us think about situations, comments, and attitudes.

Life offers us experiences and lessons, but books are the daily repositories of knowledge where we can gather information, data and especially emotions.

All the emotions we experience in the pages of a book are an imprint on our brain that is able to last forever. They educate us, move us and sometimes force us to see reality through different eyes.

Reading is also an invitation to life. And therein lies an important therapeutic value. It can pull us out of our daily sadness by making us curious about things we never thought about before.

Books help children to grow up and adults to be children again. They are the key that can open the door to our private world at all times, they are our friends on the bedside table and the ideal companion for nights of torment.

Reading Child

Reading opens your eyes, engages your thoughts and makes your heart vibrate. It is the most noble legacy that mankind has created. It is an exciting adventure that has no end.

–Images courtesy of Jonathan Bean, Vittorio Giardino–

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