Planes – A Wonderful Film About Overcoming

Some animated films are a great way to convey values ​​to small children. But adults also have a lot to learn. This is especially true if the film’s message is about overcoming and resilience. The story of  Dusty  in the Pixar movie  Planes  is a clear example.

In the film Planes we see frame after frame how a crop duster becomes a real racing plane. It’s a story about overcoming. It highlights Dusty’s ability to confront one of the biggest obstacles in his life. Because the expectations in his life were very different from the dreams he always had.

Dusty was born in the fields. There was only one destiny for him – to be a crop duster. But he allows himself to dream about something completely different – ​​a racing plane. To achieve that dream, he needs the support of his friends –  Chug , the tanker and  Dottie,  the mechanic.

Throughout the film, both friends help Dusty achieve his goal. They do that in very different ways. Chug fully believes in his friend. He eventually becomes his coach. Dottie is more skeptical about Dusty’s dreams. But this lack of faith does not prevent her from giving him all the help he needs.

During this process, there are many messages and decisions that we can draw. We can apply them to our own lives to achieve our goals. That means we can act just like Dusty. We give ourselves the chance no matter how strong the winds are when we start.

Planes  teaches us about excuses

Apologies don’t get us closer to our goals. That’s something Dusty shows us very clearly in the film. He uses the pseudonym “Fast Lightning” and registers for the qualifying rounds for a race around the world. To everyone’s surprise (and especially his own), he succeeds. Now he has no more excuses. His dreams become reality.

To succeed, he needs a little more help from a legendary racing plane named Skipper Riley. At first, Skipper isn’t too happy with the idea of ​​training Dusty. But in the end he decides to do it anyway. The training will be a great adventure for both of them. After a hard training period, Dusty is ready to fly alone. He continues to fight to keep his dream alive. During the race, he has to deal with the disbelief of some of his opponents. But he also makes some new friends.

But at no point does Dusty forget his humble origins. He flies low because he is afraid of heights. Phase after phase he proves what he is worth and how honest he is. He even helps those who do not believe in him. Thus, in the course of this process, he earns their respect.

Planes  teaches us about conquering

In everything we do, there will always be problems.  Overcoming these problems is in many cases what gives the challenge meaning. We overcome a problem or have the motivation to continue in certain circumstances. The hero of the movie Planes goes in search of his dream. He also faces his own obstacles. In the movie, he has a serious accident. It even threatens to ensure that he has to leave the game. So it jeopardizes his dream.

Fortunately, there are other characters in the film. They won’t let him give up. This is undoubtedly the most moving moment of the film. His friends and rivals decide to help him. They show their admiration and respect for the humble plane that bravely defies the limits. A new Dusty is about to be reborn. The little crop duster will transform and become what it has always dreamed of and what it really has always been inside – a racing plane. This is a wonderful message about overcoming!

Let go and change

Dusty’s change doesn’t happen instantly. His step from caterpillar to butterfly is no wonder. But it is the result of patience, trust and hard work. It also has a lot to do with his character. Dusty is a fighter with enough common sense to recognize that he needs help. On his way, he slowly learns to leave behind the greatest burden of his life – the tank of his crop duster.

The same accident that jeopardizes his dream causes him to react. He takes a hit. But it actually gives him the power to change. Thanks to the accident, our hero is getting closer to his goal. And also thanks to the unconditional support of his friends, he can achieve this goal. Because they are able to see Dusty’s true self.

We highly recommend the movie Planes . It’s fun and exciting at the same time. And the film also has a message – we have to aim high. With his achievement, Dusty inspires everyone who sees his story to go a little beyond what they can see, both towards others and themselves.

Remember, you are the only one who has the right to decide who you really want to be. 

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