People Who Talk A Lot… About Themselves

People who talk a lot… about themselves

At first, these seem like the most friendly people in the world. They are generally very sociable, good interlocutors and have a very pleasant personality. Over time, however, you start to see these types of people more and more as a burden: they talk way too much and almost always about themselves. They tell you the same stories over and over. These are the kind of people who feel empowered to talk about any subject, even if they don’t really know anything about it. And no one is able to silence these people.

After having a conversation with such a person you really feel as if you have wasted your time. After all, it wasn’t really a conversation at all. It was more like a joust in a very long monologue. Therefore, chances are that the next time you meet this person, you’ll come up with an excuse not to have another conversation with them.


Someone who talks way too much about himself has not set clear boundaries between himself and his environment. Their narcissistic personality makes them unable to realize that they are not the center of the world. That’s why it’s normal in their heads for every conversation to revolve around them.

It doesn’t even occur to them that they keep banging on and that it might bother others. And if someone were to say something to their face about this, they would just assume that the problem is with that other person and not with them.

This exaggerated need to draw all the attention to themselves stems from all kinds of unconscious insecurities. They feel a kind of satisfaction when they manage to get others to be constantly willing to listen to them. They see this as proof of their worth. These types of people are incapable of picking up on the needs of others. Instead, they always think only about their own needs.

People who keep talking non-stop clearly have a strong need to be heard and listened to, while they may not have anything interesting to say at all. By constantly engaging in conversation with others, they don’t have to focus on the inner dialogue we all have within ourselves. These people don’t want to listen to themselves. They just want to be heard. They only look at themselves through other people.

The content of the ‘conversation’

Some people always talk about themselves to make an inventory of their own problems. They don’t ask for help, nor will they take any advice from you. They simply assume that you will be understanding towards them.

Others do just the opposite: they tell you one story after another about how great they are. They tell you how many daily obligations they do have, always expecting you to give them a “Chuck” for this.

Some people talk about their problems in order to seek advice or advice. As if you are their private, not to mention free, therapist. These are people who will never ask you how you are doing or what difficulties you are facing. They simply assume that their problems are much more serious than yours and that it is your job to listen to them and give them advice.

In all these cases, there is never a genuine conversation between two people. It’s more like a manipulation of words. You participate in a very strange game with them, which you sometimes feel obligated to continue to participate in. Obliged to continue to listen to them, to praise them to heaven or to pity them immensely. However, the bond you have with these people is not genuine at all. This band is always overshadowed by that feeling that ‘something isn’t right’.

It would be very good to tell these people in a direct and friendly way how pleasant and positive it can be to have a conversation where both have the chance to both talk and listen. It would also be good to invite these people to talk about new topics.

While it’s certainly not impossible to have fun with these types of people, as they can often become the same friendly people they were when you first met them, it ‘s important to set clear boundaries anyway. set. If you feel that their behavior is negatively impacting you, making you feel uncomfortable, or instilling guilt or emptiness in you, then it’s best to just distance yourself from these types of people.

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