Overcoming Apathy Requires More Than Just Willpower

Overcoming apathy takes more than just willpower

Overcoming apathy requires more than just willpower. It’s hard to find the motivation to do things when there are much bigger things hidden behind these things. Things like fear, regret, lack of emotional support or even an illness, just to name a few. Disorders such as depression and thyroid problems can also often put you in an apathetic state of mind.

When you become apathetic and bored, your world changes completely. The first thing you’ll notice is that you don’t even have enough energy to drag yourself out. It is impossible to always have enough energy to feel fit and motivated again. The point is, though, that’s exactly what you need to do to get excited and get your hope back.

From a medical point of view, it is often better to understand the nature of the pit you have fallen into than to immediately start looking for ways to get yourself out of it. You need to know what is really behind your apathetic attitude, fatigue and lack of interest. It doesn’t make much sense to give someone a lot of resources to help them if they don’t even understand the root of their problem.

That is why more and more studies and researches are done on this subject every year. For example, we know that a lack of motivation is not always a reflection of malaise. It doesn’t just mean that you are simply passive in life, because you are really just not interested. In fact, apathy and lack of motivation are linked to specific neurological circuits that in some cases can be a sign of impairment.

These are absolutely important things to keep in mind when trying to find the best therapeutic approach for yourself.

Exhausted man, because overcoming apathy requires a lot of effort

The shadows underlying lack of motivation and fatigue

Overcoming boredom and apathy requires more than just good advice. When these moods become long-lasting and eventually chronic, you (and those around you) need to recognize that you need a change. In order to do this, you must initially get the correct diagnosis. That way, you can start making small adjustments to your routine and personal attitude. This is the best way to get out of that pit we’ve talked about so many times.

Something that you absolutely must avoid in these kinds of situations is making offensive statements. Many patients dealing with apathy and boredom are not lazy at all because they want to be. Try not to see inactivity and lack of interest as a flaw in someone’s character. This makes no sense at all, and it is also not true. Instead, it would be much more helpful to look at the reality behind this state of mind.

Things that can lead to apathy and boredom

  • Not feeling self-sufficient. It can happen for a number of reasons, but sometimes people lose faith that they are good enough to achieve certain things. They do not feel that they can achieve success or be useful in their daily tasks. It can be very devastating to feel this way.
  • Not having emotional support. In some cases, it’s because the people around you aren’t emotionally available. In other cases, it is because you are surrounded by coldness and lack of interest. Either way, this can easily lead to apathy and lack of motivation.
  • Anxiety : Fear of failure, the fear of trying new things and the fear of making the same mistakes over and over. Fear of leaving your comfort zone, fear of changing your habits, worrying about new, unknown things… These are all things that can sap all your energy and willpower in no time.
Sorrowful man who wants to overcome his apathy

You also need to consider the physical and/or neurological factors involved. Conditions such as fibromyalgia, hyperthyroidism, or even Alzheimer’s disease can lead to this permanent feeling of lack of energy. They often lead to apathy and lack of motivation. This also applies to depressive disorders. Depressive disorders, like the above diseases, are also likely to lead to boredom and lack of interest.

Overcoming boredom and apathy

If you want to overcome boredom and apathy, then you definitely need help. In this case we are talking about the help of specialized people, but also the people around you. In addition, you should feel that they really understand you and that they are never intentionally trying to bring you down. Unfortunately, your  lack of desire, enthusiasm, and motivation can only get worse if you receive nothing but criticism and contempt.

There is one important detail to remember if you want to get an idea of ​​how to resolve these moods. We often think that to get more motivated, we just need to change the way we think. Unfortunately, the rule that a positive attitude leads to a positive life is not always 100% true.

At least not if things aren’t going well for you. Not if your brain doesn’t make enough serotonin or if your body is sick. William James said long ago that thoughts do not always lead to actions. And when it comes to motivation, actions and feelings always go hand in hand.

Your brain, mind and body must work together to give you the push you need. This is how you will find that inner energy to get yourself back on your feet. We are going to summarize a few things that can help you overcome boredom and apathy.

Woman watching a sunset

Overcoming Apathy: Six Keys

  • The first thing to do is to make sure your problem is not medical.
  • Once you’ve determined that it’s not a hormonal or physical problem, you need to figure out what is behind this mood.
  • After that you can enter a transition period. You have only one task during this period: solving problems. Think about ways to deal with your dissatisfaction, fear, and disappointment. Begin a process of detaching yourself from everything that paralyzes you.
  • Gradual changes. You can overcome apathy by making small changes to your routines first. For example, you can change your diet or give yourself a new schedule. Later, once you’ve made some smaller changes, you can make some bigger changes. These are the changes that will truly give you a sense of well-being again. The changes that will help you achieve all the things you want out of life.
  • Focus your attention on concrete goals. Concentrate on things you can achieve in your daily life, things that bring you pleasure.
  • Challenge your apathy. Once you’ve developed new routines and overcome your daily goals, you need to learn to brave this uncomfortable atmosphere. When you notice these feelings coming up, you should try to find an alternative to them. For example, think of something new, something that motivates you. This is the best way to make them disappear.

Overcoming boredom and apathy is not easy, but it is not impossible either. However, remember that boredom and apathy are like lurking shadows always trying to force their way into your life. When they do, you have to be prepared. Be ready to push them away and let your new thoughts and projects blow through your emotional spaces. 

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