Our Attitude Is Contagious: Surround Yourself With People Who Bring Out The Best In You

Our attitude is contagious: surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you

If your attitude is  the most important thing you wear,  make sure no one calls your hopes and dreams “impossible.” Don’t let anyone undermine your desires by making you think you aren’t worth it, you can’t, or you don’t deserve it. Your attitude has so much power over what happens in your life. So just don’t do it, don’t allow others to steal your most beautiful piece of clothing: your attitude. And surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.

Self-help books focus on success. They ensure that we focus on external victories, that we are recognized for our value, skills and competence. We have something to say about that:  we are not trying to achieve ‘external success’, but rather inner peace.

We’re always collecting new skills and that’s fine of course. Proving that we can do something well is very satisfying, there is no doubt about it. But  what really matters is our attitude, because that’s what makes the difference between a good day and a bad day.

It gives us the ability to be optimistic when everything seems to be against us. It’s what allows us to believe in ourselves when other people try to belittle us.

‘I AM worth it, I DO KNOW how to do it and I DESERVE it’. These are the three affirmations we should use to nurture our attitude every day. The attitude with which we should start our days, and which is as important as breakfast.

There are those who bring out the best in you, but there can also be  times when the negative, defeatist, or even toxic mindsets of others can influence and even storm this sunny perspective .

Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you because otherwise you will only experience rainy days

Your attitude: a personal decision

The number of books published on happiness and personal growth doubles every year. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns that depression will become the leading health problem worldwide, much sooner than we expect.

So let’s look ahead and teach our kids to become good at science, math, technology, programming etc. But let’s also definitely not forget to teach them how to deal with frustration, how to process their feelings, their fears, their fury…

No one really talks about attitude, or how to believe in yourself. We don’t know how because it wasn’t taught to us in school. We have learned to act well and respectfully and to get good grades and then happiness will appear on its own.

But sooner or later we will find out that our good intentions are not good for success. We realize that if others do not believe in us, our inner fire goes out like a candle blown out by a cold wind.

Society may give us a good education, but it also holds us back by putting us in an isolated waiting room. We wait there with other waiting people infecting us with their malnourished expectations, their defeatism, their copy-and-paste self-confidence.

Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, if you don't do this you will be like this girl willing to walk into a hole like this

Eventually we realize that we are ‘sick’. We are infected by depression and passivity. Our minds darken and go on autopilot, unfortunately driven by the negativity of other people.

Ultimately, we see that attitude is nothing more than a personal decision. A personal decision that takes us out of a barren, desolate piece of land where nothing grows. We will remember that we don’t deserve to be there. We will muster the energy to find what we really need.

Three components of a strong, brave attitude

Some people say that having a positive attitude will not solve all your problems. What it will do is annoy a lot of people. With their succinct minds and limited perspectives, they do nothing but wrap electric fences around our dreams and bring storms to our sunny days.

We must remember that  attitude is a personal value that we will have to work on every day. Because if we expect it to improve on its own, the toxic influence of others can even weaken it.

So it’s always good to remember these three elements that maintain, shape, and foster strong attitudes:

  • Commitment:  Good attitude requires serious dedication to ourselves. Commitment to the goals, values ​​and objectives we set for ourselves
  • Self-control: to achieve that dream, to achieve that goal,  we have to take control of our own reality,  of the things that happen to us. It is our responsibility. We adopt an active, positive and brave attitude.
Child leaning against a white tiger

The last piece of the puzzle is determination. It is a component that we must not forget, because  life will test us every day. We should see these trials as challenges that we can learn from and use to grow.
Let’s be the protagonists of our own lives. 

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