Merlin: Biography Of A Legend

Merlin is one of the protagonists in Celtic mythology, as well as in countless literary and cinematic pieces. Several clues suggest that his story is real, though slightly distorted by the popular imagination.
Merlin: biography of a legend

Merlin is the most famous wizard in history. So far there is no real certainty whether he really existed. However, many literary texts and historical books often mention him. However, according to experts, there is more certainty about the existence of Merlin than that of King Arthur.

Whether he existed or not, countless legends surround him, making it even more difficult to establish a reliable timeline of his life. Yet Merlin is a fantastic character, with an imaginative and mysterious air. He appears in many medieval stories and myths about England.

Historically, the first person to introduce Merlin into the British tradition was Lailoken, a poet who lived in southern Scotland.

Gildas the Wise is another source of this character, as he related the deeds of Ambrosius Aurelianus. This last character, Ambrosius Aurelianus, was believed to be King Arthur and Gildas associated him with the figure Merlin.

Merlin's Forest

The Origin of Merlin

Most legends involving Merlin indicate that he was an innately evil creature and that he was born to do evil. However, as he grew up, Merlin used all his powers wisely. He became a wise man and advisor to kings.

Some texts claim that Merlin was the son of a demon and a nun. Other versions say that the wizard’s mother was actually a witch from the forest or a woman who conceived without a man.

Based on the little available historical data, the most accepted version is that Merlin’s real name was Myrddin Emrys. He was the illegitimate son of one of the British kings, Ambrosius Aurelianus, who would go down in history as King Arthur. But of course there is no absolute certainty about these claims.

Merlin and King Arthur

The story of King Arthur, an enigmatic character like Merlin, is akin to that of a wizard. People say that only thanks to the guidance of the famous sorcerer, he was able to rule wisely and honestly. But let’s not get ahead of things.

It all started when the king of Great Britain fell madly in love with a married woman. Taking advantage of the fact that her husband was a soldier fighting in a war, Merlin intervened so that the king resembled the absent husband and could spend the nights with the wife.

Finally, the husband died and the king married her. They promised Merlin that they would give him their first child, Arthur, and they did.

When he was very young, and with the help of Merlin, Arthur managed to draw the sword Excalibur from the stone where it was inserted, and thus he became the Great King. Arthur then founded the castle Camelot and ruled under the guidance of the wizard, who kept him company and advised him in many situations.

Wizard's Objects

What happened to the wizard?

The classic legend points out that Merlin fell deeply in love with a young girl when he was an old man. He taught her all his magical secrets in exchange for her to be his lover.

Merlin built her a palace on a lake and called her the Lady of the Lake. In time, she began to fear him, when she found out what his evil origins were.

Merlin had taught her how to catch a man herself. The Lady of the Lake then imprisoned him in a crystal cage. She could go in and out, but he couldn’t. Legend has it that he stayed there forever and is still waiting for someone to release him.

Historian John Matthews suggested a different version of the story. According to him, the legend of Merlin was inspired by a warrior named Myrddin, who lived in Scotland and was the leader of the Picts tribe.

In the year 573, Merlin bravely confronted an invasion from Ireland through a bloody battle. Sadly, he saw his family die during this battle.

Then the warrior went mad and went to live as a hermit in the forest. He had unconventional habits. This earned him his reputation as a wizard, and many legends grew up around him. Probably Merlin was a disgraced hero whose story changed little by little according to the imagination of others.

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