Life Is Not About Rewards Or Punishments But About Consequences

Life is not about rewards or punishments but about consequences

Our actions and even our thoughts have consequences. By accepting this, we will be able to take control of our lives with purpose. At that time we will also be able to draw life in a beautiful way. We will then no longer allow the whims of fate to take over our lives. Because in our daily life there is no question of punishment and reward. But what we do or don’t do has consequences.

Looking for Alaska  is a book by John Green about young adults. In it, the author argues that we need to be much more aware of the chain of consequences that flow from even our smallest actions. Having this saying, it is not really easy to acknowledge this fact.

Many of us were raised in a structure that was firmly based on behavioral theory. All we had to do was press the red button and avoid the blue one. Because then everything would go well and life would give us something in return.

But life doesn’t care much for the red and blue buttons. Life neither rewards us nor punishes. What we do have are hints. These are very very thin threads where just breathing once makes things vibrate and change and affect reality.

We take responsibility for every word and silence, for doing something and doing nothing, for every thought. Because that’s the way we’re going to take control of our lives. It is important that you adopt this viewpoint as soon as possible. After all, it will help you achieve your goals. In addition, you will have better and more meaningful relationships.


Interpreting the signals and assessing the consequences

Terrence Deacon is a noted neuro-anthropologist. He is currently a member of the Cognitive Sciences Department at the University of California, Berkeley. One of his most interesting books is “The Symbolic Species.”

In the book, he reminds us of the untapped power we all possess, but which we don’t invest enough time and energy in. We are talking here about the ability to calmly analyze the causes of things that happen and predict the possible consequences.

According to Professor Deacon, our daily lives are not composed of stimuli to which we respond, as the behavioral scientists claim. After all, we don’t always get a reward or punishment based on what we do or don’t do.

Signals in life

All around your scorn there are “signals” that you must learn to interpret. Because they help you to arrive at a suitable response. But to do this we need willpower and wisdom. For they are necessary so that we can give a logical and accurate meaning to the symbols that surround us.

We give you an example. If you go to work and see a coworker crying at his desk, no one will ever think to tell the boss that one of his employees “will not be very productive today.” No, we will wonder what could be the cause of this emotional state. And then we’ll see how we can approach and help that person.


Professor Deacon also reminds us that we must be wise researchers. To begin with, we must assume that we make mistakes. Sometimes we hit the nail on the head with our reactions and actions. But in other cases, we make a mess of it and have no choice but to suffer the consequences.

Because sometimes life is like trying to play a piece of music with rubber kitchen gloves on. You want to hit a specific key on the piano so that it produces the perfect sound, but at the same time you accidentally press more keys.

The sound you then get is a bit clumsy and out of tune. But with daily practice, little by little we will become skilled musicians capable of producing the melody we have in mind. In the end we will find the right tones.

Learn to shape your reality

Perhaps it will initially frighten you to think that everything you do and think has a whole range of consequences. But you don’t have to see this as a classic “cause-effect” connection. You have to look at it through a much broader and richer lens.

For you must understand that our existence is a wonderful game of exploration and creation. In addition, you should also realize that in this game you have to learn the rules and guidelines. They determine everything that happens.

You can easily learn the rules. We now tell you which ones they are. So take some time and think about it…

  • You can make your life better. You have to be clear about what you want to achieve and how you will do it.
  • Recognize that there are things, events, and people that we cannot change. We must accept them as they are.
  • Learn from your mistakes, your failures and your losses.
  • Be open to everything around you: be proactive, creative and brave.
  • Also be respectful. View your life as a fine substance on which everything you do and say has an influence.

Finally, also understand that life has no specific predetermined design for you. You and your willpower shape your destiny. You can be the architect of a fuller, brighter future.

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