I’ve Cried Whole Seas Of Tears

I've cried whole seas of tears

Crying is an involuntary act that does not actually have to happen to be felt. Tears are the physical reflection of crying, but you may also only cry inside. This howling is not visible; we only feel a knot in our body when it happens. Both ways of crying involve some form of torment and one of them can drown you.

Crying inside is usually the form that is real. You don’t know exactly how it happened to you, but you feel trapped by thoughts and feelings that you can’t escape. Sometimes you can’t even tell the difference between where you end and where your thoughts and feelings begin. Normally you’re better than this, yet you always get carried away.

The value of tears

You have felt pain yourself and you know what it feels like when something tears your soul in two. Days feel like months and months feel like years. The desire to live another day is only apparent because of its absence. The night is quiet as you hear yourself screaming…

To cry

The moral of all this fear can be found in the value of tears. It is very likely that your tears have brought you closer to another person than your smile ever could  and it is quite possible that seeing another person’s pain was a direct bridge to getting to know and getting to know this person of yourself.

You can probably identify with the idea of ​​being and not being, wanting and not being able to. And so you come together with people who open up to you and let you know that they also feel like you may have once felt: the tears bring us back to the fact that we are people with different ways of feeling, but that we have the same feelings.

You can do it, you can get out of this mess

According to Lorca, like every bone that breaks and every fruit that ripens, we are born crying and gasping to take away the pain we felt. This is why I know you can do it. Little by little, that knot in your body will give way to other things that you will have to learn from and overcome.


The knot will come loose and the pain will leave a lasting scar that will follow you through life. But one day it will be nothing more than something that once was and now is no more. You will have survived the mess and then you will realize how incredibly true these words of Paula Bonet are: sometimes we cry so many tears that whales can swim in them, but you mustn’t let yourself drown.

You will not drown, even if the water is up to your neck. You may even remember that fire still exists, after all, something has to fight the cold. By focusing fully on it, you will find people who can rekindle your fire when you need it. You probably won’t even have to put in that much effort, because you’ll learn that your true friends will come to you when you need them most, without you having to ask.

Do not give up. Cry, but don’t give up. The world needs people like you to get back up when they fall so you can tell people what it’s like to bottom out and how you got back up. The world needs people like you, someone who is able to cry and understand his tears.

–Images Courtesy of Amanda Cass–

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