I’m Interested In People Who Love Life

I am interested in people who love life

I don’t want people by my side who convey negativity, who see only the bad in everything. I want people by my side who love life, who want to jump up and down, laugh and be passionate. People who can teach me something new every day, people who can learn from me, who can enjoy my company and give me the energy I need to live.

I like people who radiate passion, who enjoy what they do, who are not afraid, who have learned that change comes with opportunity. I like people who spread their happiness, who give sincere hugs and kisses, who respectfully say what they think instead of being silent, who teach me what love means and who are by my side when I really need it.

How to recognize toxic people

We can encounter negative people in many parts of our lives who literally suck all the energy from the space they are in and make everyone around them feel bad. That is why it is important to learn how to recognize these types of people as quickly as possible. Once you know what to look for, these people are actually very easy to distinguish…


They think everyone is against them

Toxic people are insecure and therefore always think that everything and everyone around them is against them. They project their lack of self-confidence onto others by showing their distrust and discomfort. They do not love themselves and therefore are unable to love others and see the positive in them.

They don’t accept advice

Toxic people think they know everything, so they don’t accept criticism or advice. They get angry when you say what you think and will simply reject it. Don’t argue with someone like that, it’s completely useless. Just change the subject and distance yourself as soon as possible.

They think there is no solution for anything

Toxic people only see problems without solutions, and if they can’t see these problems, they will create them themselves. They constantly play the victim in front of others to get attention. They will not see change as opportunities or problems as ways to learn. They will never look for a solution, but just sit and cry and whine.


They pretend to be sincere

Toxic people tend to throw out everything they think without filtering it or empathizing with others. They think this makes them sincere, but actually they are just hurtful. In addition, they never give you the chance to say what you think, because then they feel threatened.

In other words, they pretend to be sincere so they can say whatever they want without consequences, but they can never accept your words, even if it’s just a little constructive criticism.

People who love life…

Positive people who love life are always learning. They do everything they can to get the most out of life and not to stand still. The people who love life are the people I want in my life. And for these reasons…

They take responsibility

People who love life are able to see that it is up to them to make their own decisions, to take responsibility for the things that happen in their lives, to make changes and to learn. People who love life know they are capable of doing whatever they want.


They don’t compare themselves to others

Positive people compare themselves to no one because they are fully aware of their own virtues and shortcomings, because they know what they are good at and always learn their lesson not to make the same mistake again. A person who has learned to love and value himself will be able to love and allow others to love him.

They don’t brood on the mistakes they’ve made

People who know how to love themselves have learned to take risks and accept the consequences. They know that they can both win and lose, but they will always learn. And they grow, aware of the fact that mistakes are part of life, because we are all human. They know how to handle their emotions in their own interest.

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