How To Avoid The Influence Of A Poisonous Companion

How to avoid the influence of a poisonous companion

Well no, of course it is not easy to avoid the influence of a poisonous companion, but it is not impossible either. We just need to know how to do it and have enough mental and moral strength to do it. It is an act that will only work in your favor and will be good for your psychological health.

It is important to realize that avoiding toxic companions, whether at work, at school or even in your own home, will have a positive effect on your motivation, your sense of humor and, in short, your daily life.

Identifying a Toxic Companion

Maybe you have a good job, but you are unable to motivate yourself. Ultimately, you also don’t feel comfortable enough to be productive and feel good. You also know that something is not right, but you do not know exactly what it is that could cause this situation. It is quite possible that you have a poisonous companion around you.

A toxic companion is characterized by the very bad mood he creates around him, whether at work or at home. He spreads negativity everywhere. If you’re going through a similar situation, it’s most important that you identify the person in question. To do this, observe your surroundings and watch out for:

  • Gossips who worry all the time about what others are doing. Toxic companions tend to avoid compromise and lack valid, valuable goals.
  • If you notice that there is a jealous person around you who is degrading the success of others and who is only seeking personal advantage through quick manners that are not exactly praiseworthy, then you are dealing with a poisonous companion.
Words Into Your Incorporation

  • Playing the victim and being unable to take responsibility are also clear examples of a toxic companion. Run fast from conspiracy theories.
  • Excessive control over an individual usually indicates a manipulative nature who often seeks people with low self-esteem to step in when necessary.
  • If you come across a person who is always just complaining about all sorts of things and trying to find people to convey his negativity to, try to distance yourself from this person.
  • Arrogance is also a common trait of poisonous companions. Their self-esteem is artificially inflated to hide their weakness and to make it seem like they’re always in control.

This is how you avoid toxic companions

Now that we know how to spot poisonous companions, comes the hard part. After all, it is not easy to distance yourself from these people. We must not forget that poisonous companions need to feed on the weakness of the people around them, as this is how they wrongly overcome their fears and insecurities.

Set boundaries

Based on the poisonous companion’s personality, identify and deactivate his strategy so that you can set boundaries. The arrogant companion will try to feel superior to you, the victim will want to tell you about all the bad luck he has had in his life, the jealous jerk will want to lower the performance of everyone around him…

To balance

Reduce contact

Dealing with a toxic person means that you will run into each other several times a day anyway. Whether you are students, colleagues, roommates, etc., there will be no way to completely avoid each other. However, you can limit the contact to the professional minimum, such as only during meetings, in general places or in class. Try to keep contact as diplomatic as possible.

Ask for help

Unfortunately, we cannot always find a way on our own to avoid contact with a toxic companion. Sometimes we have to ask for help. A good friend or mediator can shed light and objectivity on the situation so that a proper strategy can be determined.

It’s better to be alone than in bad company

Are you dealing with a poisonous companion? Never forget that it is always better to spend time alone than to be in bad company. If a person doesn’t benefit you in any way and you feel like he has absolutely no intention of improving his attitude, avoid contact at all costs.

Toxic companions are less rare than we like to admit. Plus, they can be found in all kinds of environments. However, the clearer and more positive our attitude is, the easier it is to recognize and avoid them.

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