Four Tips For Getting Over Anger

Four tips to get over anger

However, we must never forget that we all have a right to be angry. Those moments when everything seems to go wrong and we feel compelled to express our indignation and anger are very helpful.

What is absolutely not helpful, however, is to put yourself within four walls of permanent anger, bad moods, or eternal anger. Once the tantrum is over, it’s best to move on and keep looking forward, no matter how difficult this may seem.

Getting over anger

For many people, the idea that we should get over our anger can seem quite difficult. However, there are focused scientific and psychological studies that have put together a series of exercises and postures that will be extremely helpful, for everyone.

Some of these studies of particular interest are those conducted by Dr. Charles Spielberger of the University of South Florida and Dr. Jerry Deffenbacher of the University of Colorado, two psychologists who specialize in anger management and who share are part of the American Psychology Association.


Deffenbacher and Spielberger see anger as a normal and healthy human emotion. There is no concrete reason why anger should be seen as strange or abnormal. Anger, anger and indignation become problematic emotions when we lose control of them. At that point, the emotion becomes devastating and will eventually affect one’s quality of life.

anger described

Doctor Charles Spielberger defines anger as an emotional state whose intensity ranges from mild irritation to anger so intense that it turns into rage. Whatever the case, it is always accompanied by a series of biological and psychological changes.

When we are angry, our heart rate increases and our blood pressure rises. We also experience an increase in the levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline.

It is therefore only logical, Deffenbacher and Spielberger argue, that excessive anger has terrible consequences for the body in the medium and long term. So it’s important to learn how to get over it.

Strategies to Get Over Anger

To prevent anger from becoming chronic, psychologists who specialize in anger management offer a series of recommendations that can be incredibly helpful for all kinds of people.


Many problems are inherently part of our human existence and, as such, are inevitable. We must adopt the best possible attitude in order to overcome the anger caused by the various situations that we cannot escape in life. It is therefore recommended that we focus on methods that teach us to deal with problems calmly and objectively.

Enter into conversation

Improving communication

Many of life’s problems are the result of hasty, unclear communication due to anger, rage, or rage. It’s better not to say the first thing that pops into your head right away.

Deffenbacher and Spielberger recommend that we listen actively, that we relax before we react, and that we think about everything that will come out of our mouth. It’s a complicated process, but it’s still better than being constantly defensive and vindictive, which often only makes things worse.

Never lose your sense of humor

Deffenbacher and Spielberger see the sense of humor as a mechanism for getting over anger. However, the use of this mechanism should not be limited to laughing at the situation or to cruel and ironic behavior. On the contrary, the method they recommend is very different.

The aim is to develop an active sense of humor. For example, if you feel the urge to offend someone, keep quiet and imagine anything you might want to say. Visualize it and laugh at the situation. This method will help you to make your anger a lot less intense.


Changes in the environment

Finally, psychologists who specialize in anger management say that our environment could influence our mood. If your environment constantly irritates you and is the source of your anger, then it is a logical choice to seek refuge elsewhere.

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