For You, You Who Cry Secretly

For you, you who secretly cry

For you, you who suffer in silence. For you, you who suffer pain when you don’t deserve it. For you, you who have decided to remain silent so as not to hurt those around you. For you, you who make an effort every day to persevere. For you, you who surpass yourself and live with the fear that others will find out about your pain. For you, you who cry secretly.

You don’t deserve to suffer any more, you don’t deserve to hide your pain, you don’t deserve to have your dignity destroyed. What you deserve is to be able to shout out and be heard, you deserve not to suffer anymore. Don’t let them destroy you, don’t let them throw away everything you’ve built, everything you are, everything you’re worth. You don’t deserve the pain you feel right now, you don’t deserve to shed another tear, you don’t deserve to have to hide again.

Dry your tears and start drawing. Allow yourself to be free and decide what you want. Don’t let others speak for you. Don’t let anyone shut you up, let what you feel inside come out. It is no longer the time of hiding and collecting scars. The first change is the first step. Tears don’t solve anything anymore, tears don’t calm you anymore, you don’t cry anymore, it’s time to act.

I say it to you, because I know you can, because I know you want to. All you need is a nudge, a nudge to ask for help, to let the world know how you feel and where you are. For you, you who cry: for you who seek solitude and for whom the days pass until there are none left. But no, you still have enough strength, there is still hope, all is not lost.

For you, you who secretly cry

For you: a small step brings you closer to a big change

Don’t let the loneliness make you believe that the situation is real, because you are not alone, you are not alone. The first step is the hardest, but that’s where the big changes begin. No more armor, no more hands for more shields. Don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, you’re not who they say you are. It pays to stop and think about who you really are.

For too long you have been silent about your pain, too long you have allowed others to rule over you. You cry and you keep feeding that river of pain. But those tears don’t deserve to be yours anymore. You don’t deserve to suffer that much pain. It’s time to take a different path, a different direction.

This is for you so you can see that there is someone who listens to your moans, that there is someone who knows that you are crying, that there is someone who loves you and will not abandon you. Go out and show your pain. Give yourself the chance you deserve to be happy. Use what little power you have left and don’t give up. Bring out what you have in you, talk.

Woman walking barefoot

For you: don’t give up, don’t give up on yourself

Imagine that a better life than what you live now awaits you. Don’t stop dreaming about a better life. The pain will stop, you will stop crying. After rain always comes sunshine. Everything is temporary. Therefore… don’t stop dreaming, don’t stop fighting, don’t stop talking, don’t hide. Don’t let others speak for you, you deserve to be happy.

I hope you can see that this is about you, that there are solutions for you and that there are people willing to help you. Who want to take the steps forward with you, and a few back. Who accompany you on the days when everything seems to be going well, but also in the difficult moments. Days that seem to have 48 hours and days that seem to be only one hour. This is for you, you who cry; for you, you who suffer. Listen to me, listen to yourself. You deserve to be able to decide for yourself, and you deserve better. Don’t stop dreaming that this will all pass, for so it will be.

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