Five Signs You’re Boycotting Yourself

What is boycotting yourself? It’s an unusual term. Yet it refers to how people often subconsciously keep holding themselves back from achieving their goals.
Five Signs You're Boycotting Yourself

What is the main signal that you are boycotting yourself? That is the fact that you almost never accomplish what you set yourself to do. In many of these cases , you are  the one who creates obstacles. Those hurdles ultimately stop you from moving forward.

At one point or another , we all boycotted ourselves. We were even aware that we were doing it. However, this is not the norm. After all, it is much more common that we act against our interests without realizing it. We then act in a way that seems perfectly reasonable at first sight.

In the same way, we are only able to justify many of our actions after we have acted. Often we disguise our real motivation for a reason that sounds better. It is a motivation that we get from the consequences of our behavior.

The main signal that you are boycotting yourself is that with every step you take, you are moving further away from your goals. You ask yourself why, but you can’t think of a reason that is convincing enough. It seems like there is always “something” that is holding you back from achieving the goals you have set for yourself.

People boycott themselves for many different reasons. One reason is fear of success or because they think they don’t deserve it. There are also cases where people don’t really identify with the goals they set for themselves. They then unconsciously look for excuses not to realize them.

You want to do everything alone

Signs You’re Boycotting Yourself

1. You want to do everything alone

Many people think that they cannot trust anyone around them to carry out a certain task the way they  want to do it. Others never trust even one  task to other people.

By trusting no one but themselves, they end up taking on responsibilities that don’t really belong to them. They can be easily delegated or shared.

An African saying goes, “Maybe we can go faster on our own, but we can go further together.”  You may be right. There are tasks that no one can do better than you.

However, if you don’t give them the chance, they will never have the opportunity to show you otherwise. Nor will they learn to be able to do it in the future.

2. You think you are always right

In this case, you find it impossible to find and say anything positive about someone or their work. You also find it impossible to agree with their views. You may feel that you are always right. That is, after all, the crux of the matter. As for you, you are always right.

To see other people’s points of view, you have to break through these unyielding thoughts. If you judge something with a predetermined condition, you will naturally believe that no one else is equal.

That kind of attitude robs you of the valuable contributions that you can make from a different perspective. It will hinder your progress. The reason is that you only see things from one perspective.

3. You leave many tasks unfinished

This is a clear sign that you are boycotting yourself. Surely you will always find a way to defend why you leave so many projects unfinished.

Nor is it difficult to rationalize and justify your tendency to give up. After all, you want to avoid disagreements and bad feelings. Sometimes putting an end to it is the easiest thing to do.

4. You do not accept or value your achievements

You may feel that you have no right to succeed or be successful. Strangely enough, you are even the reason that the things that made you successful no longer work.

You do it by interpreting your achievements in your own way. When you achieve something, you dismiss it as unimportant. By doing this you also lose your motivation.

It’s like feeling like you’re only capable of accomplishing things that aren’t really valuable or useful. If it were valuable, you wouldn’t have been able to do it.

It then becomes a vicious circle. You are the aggressor and the victim at the same time. Such behavior merely satisfies and encourages neurotic impulses.

You act like a victim

5. Victimhood is a sign that you are boycotting yourself

Sometimes we stunt our growth. We then resort to the trick of minimizing and victimizing ourselves. How on earth can I do this if I don’t have a certain ability or resources? We hide behind our shortcomings and limitations. In addition, we refuse to leave our comfort zone.

Victimization is a strategy we use in an attempt to justify doing nothing. The people who feel victimized look for excuses instead of motivation. They don’t do this consciously, it’s a completely unconscious act.

In addition, it is also true that you can sometimes reap additional benefits such as a sense of security. That’s why we continue to behave that way.

Important here is that you are aware of any sign that may show that you are boycotting yourself. Those signals will give you hints as to why you are not achieving what you desire. Becoming aware of patterns of behavior that harm us in this way can be a good starting point for a more fulfilling life.

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