Emotional Distance Is More Than Just Physical Distance

Emotional distance is more than just physical distance

Sometimes distance is not measured in kilometers. Nor is it always about the distance between bodies, but between souls, an emotional distance. I can be physically close to you but feel far away. Sometimes I touch you and still feel that you are not with me. Distance is the enemy of any relationship. Because each partner builds bridges that become increasingly difficult to cross. Over time, they lose the willpower to try. We are all equally responsible for preserving or tearing down the bridges we have built for each other.

You don’t have to see each other every day. You also don’t need to be in constant contact with the other person to feel close to each other. You just need connection and understanding to create the magical sense of unity. The result and the reason we miss people is a result of this kind of closeness. But is it really the person you miss?

When you miss a memory, you long for a part of the journey you have already traveled. It has become a part of you in your mind. But when you miss a person, you want to stay in the same place. You want your journey to never end. That’s why we fight together.

Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships make communication difficult, whether it be a love affair, friendship, or family ties. So you have to make an extra effort to narrow the distance and bring your souls closer together. If you don’t see each other for a long time, the desire and passion can work in your favor. Because it encourages you to make the most of every second you spend together. It will also help to strengthen and increase the bond.

Woman hugging a man

When you are far from each other, can only talk to each other and have no physical contact, this is a challenge for communication and intimacy in the relationship. Researcher Crystal Jiang of the University of Hong Kong and Professor Jeffrey Hancock of Cornell University demonstrated this in a study. To maintain a long-distance relationship, both parties have to work on it (but that doesn’t mean they have to do it individually). Efforts are needed to ensure that seeing each other again will feel as if they were never gone, even if some time has passed. Perhaps the partners will not experience this feeling on a physical level, but at least on a spiritual level.

Take advantage of the opportunities you get

We see more and more partners who do not live together. The same goes for families that have broken up and friends who no longer live in the same city. It has become a normal phenomenon. Distance no longer has to lead to the choice to give up a relationship and lose contact.

It is necessary to improve communication by taking advantage of every opportunity to reduce the distance. You can do this through video chat, SMS or a phone call. Technology is making giant strides forward. She is incredibly helpful in making us feel closer to each other when we are far away from each other.

Trust the other person. This makes it possible to remain calm in the event of adversity. In addition, it helps you to build a support band. That way you learn to wait and appreciate what you have. Sometimes we lose the desire to hug, idealize and be with the other person. But when they are far from us and no longer in our daily lives, the beauty of the lack can rekindle our awareness and make us cherish them again.

Two hands that let go of each other as a symbol of the emotional distance between people

Make good use of the time you are together. But also commit yourself to bringing your souls closer together when the distance becomes too much. Also try to set an end date for the distance. Because it really is always better to look forward to something concrete and hope for it. 

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