Eating Disorders And Personality

Some personality traits are associated with certain psychological disorders. In this article, we will talk about the relationship between personality and eating disorders.
Eating Disorders and Personality

The APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)  states that “ nutrition and eating disorders are characterized by a persistent disturbance of eating or eating-related behavior that results in altered consumption or absorption of food and that affects physical health or significantly impairs psychosocial functioning.

Most people do understand the basics of these conditions. However, did you also know that there is a link between eating disorders and personality?

These disorders have become increasingly common in the last twenty years. Although they mainly affect young women, health professionals are also seeing more and more cases of young male patients.

A woman shows a plate with little food on it

The classification of eating disorders

The most recent edition of the DSM, the DSM-5, includes the following eating and nutritional disorders:

  • anorexia nervosa
  • bulimia nervosa
  • binge eating disorder
  • selective eating disorder
  • rumination disorder
  • pica

The first two subspecies are known to be the most common of all eating disorders. That’s why we focus only on anorexia and bulimia.

However, it is worth noting that other feeding and eating disorders are also becoming more common in modern society, such as:

  • overweight and obesity (related to lifestyle and poor diet)
  • bigorexia (obsession with muscle mass)
  • permarexia (obsession with calorie intake and “miracle diets”)
  • drunkorexia (eating disorder combined with alcohol abuse)

Characteristics of Eating Disorders

Scientific literature dealing with eating and nutritional disorders emphasizes the multifactorial nature of the disorders. On the other hand, the pressure of conventional beauty standards also plays a major role. These have a profound influence on the maladaptive body image, which is the cause of these disorders.

Eating Disorders and Personality Traits

The relationship between these two factors suggests that certain traits could play an important role in the development and course of eating and nutritional disorders. Overall, research indicates that a neurotic personality, for example, is often related to eating disorders.

However, each specific subcategory has different characteristics. For example, many patients with anorexia nervosa also exhibit obsessive behavior and a desire to be in control.

Researchers also emphasize inflexible thought patterns, especially those related to maladaptive beliefs. Also, people with anorexia nervosa also tend to be dependent and are often introverted.

On the other hand, bulimia nervosa patients often have a low tolerance for frustration and low impulse control. They also often have low self-esteem, are more anxious, and are more “interpersonally sensitive” than people with anorexia (Macias et. al., 2003). Their impulsiveness also makes them prone to unpredictable behavior.

A plate with a tape measure on it

Personality Disorders and an Eating Disorder

So we can’t talk about personality traits without talking about personality disorders. There is a high correlation between personality traits and eating disorders. Certain studies even show that it is 53 to 93 percent.

Researchers have been able to demonstrate a link between anorexia nervosa and the following disorders:

  • avoidance disorder
  • dependency disorder
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder

Bulimia nervosa is linked to:

  • emotional disturbances
  • anxiety disorders
  • substance abuse disorders

Because it is so complicated to treat eating disorders, the patient’s personality plays a determining role. The need for control, impulsiveness, and lack of mental flexibility make it more difficult for patients to work with therapists and other health professionals.

Therefore, it is very important to work on these personality traits through therapy. After all, they play an important role in maintaining cognitive disturbances (mental inflexibility), binge eating and vomiting/laxation (impulsivity), and restrictive diets (need for control).

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