Don’t Stay In A Place Where You Can’t Be Yourself

Don't stay in a place where you can't be yourself

If you can’t be yourself where you are right now, don’t stay, go away. Leaving will boost your sanity and protect your most valuable asset: your self-esteem.

Don’t stay in a place where you can’t be yourself. After all, the most important thing is that you are true to your own identity and values ​​and that you maintain your self-esteem. Life is complicated enough already. So don’t let others affect your self-esteem to force you to fit in where you don’t belong and where you don’t feel good about yourself.

What do we really mean when we say “be yourself?”  It may sound strange. However, many people still do not know how to describe their personality.

Defining ourselves and knowing our weaknesses and passions is also very important. The reason is that defending our essence and valuing who we are will eventually translate into well-being and vitality.

Usually people describe themselves based on what they do:  “I’m a teacher,” “I’m a firefighter,” or  “I’m a parent.” However, we are not alone in what we do. After all, we are also what we dream of, what we have experienced, what we do not want and what we expect from life. And all those things are worth defending and protecting.

Be yourself every day

The challenge to be yourself every day

You may find yourself hungry for authenticity. You want to be yourself in every decision you make. In any relationship, you want harmony so that you don’t have to resort to lies or give in to things you don’t like.

After all , you hardly realize that you are not yourself every time you agree to do things that you do not feel good about. In addition, you stop being yourself every time you say “yes” to your partner, to a family member, or to another person when you should and wanted to say “no”.

Sooner or later you will see yourself in the mirror and realize that you have stopped being yourself and being what life wanted you to be.

Not being yourself causes pain

If you can’t be yourself somewhere, don’t stay because this leads to pain

The psychologist Mark Leary, a professor at Duke University, warns us about something very important. When people identify their own lack of authenticity, they suffer. In other words, not being yourself can lead to frustration and depression.

  • Harvard University conducted a study in which they found that  “being authentic” is a “fashionable” expression in the work environment. Even though everyone keeps saying it, people still feel compelled to be part of challenging projects. They do everything their boss says and have very specific goals. All those things are double-edged swords.
  • Being yourself in a rigid and competitive environment is a huge challenge. Little by little, feelings of anxiety, stress, and that sense of straying from who you really are will begin to set in.

When you lack authenticity, you force yourself to find a balance between what you do and what you need. It’s not easy to be true to yourself. So you need to have faith and make bold decisions to stay true to who you are.

Have the guts to be yourself and don’t stay where you can’t

Don’t stay in a place where you can’t be yourself. Don’t stay where you can’t express your thoughts and values. Living like that makes no sense. So if you feel like it is hurting your self-esteem, consider the following ideas.

Make decisions based on self-knowledge

  • Today, psychology has borrowed many ideas from existentialism. One of those ideas reminds us that if we want to have an authentic life, we must make a commitment to ourselves.
  • This means that you need to take some time to appreciate and think about what you do, what you decide, and what you say. After all, you have to check whether these things fit in with who you are.
  • Every day you should ask yourself the following question:  “Do I feel good about what I have done?”
Don't stay if you can't be yourself

Remember what you earn

If you want to be yourself every day of your life, remember what you deserve. Remember your values ​​and learn from your past. Set goals and what matters most, put yourself first.

We all have the right to live a happy and full life that aligns with our interests and passions. The key is to choose wisely where we will spread our wings without forgetting that we deserve what we dream of.

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