Conscientiousness – Self-discipline And The Way To Success

If you want to be successful, you need more than intelligence or talent. Diligence is one of the personality traits that will give you the discipline and direction you need to achieve your goals.
Conscientiousness - Self-Discipline and the Road to Success

What do we know about the psychology of conscientiousness? The world of Human Resources and personality theories often associates this with success and being able to achieve important goals.

Is this true? Are dutiful or conscientious men and women more capable and capable than the average man? Scientific studies seem to support that theory.

Researcher Paul Tough, the author of How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiousity and the Hidden Power of Character, points out that the people who succeed in achieving their life goals, often have a property.

However, not everyone finds conscientiousness a positive thing. Some people distrust conscientious people because they can be extremely demanding perfectionists. Conscientiousness leaves no room for neglect, mistakes, or procrastination. Others may see them as workaholics who are too focused on success.

It is true that popular culture tends to portray this personality type in a negative light. But if you analyze it more closely, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Conscientiousness includes conscientiousness

What is Conscientiousness?

As social science research reveals more and more about conscientiousness, we learn that it is both desirable and helpful in almost every way.

Studies like this one, conducted by psychologist Brent Walter Roberts at the University of Illinois, argue that conscientiousness is a concept closely linked to quality of life.

In addition, experts in human development and business and personal growth consider conscientiousness to be one of the most important indicators of success over the course of a person’s life. Do you think we’re exaggerating? If you analyze it in more detail, you’ll find that it’s usually more positive than exaggerated.


Angela Duckworth, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania wrote a book called Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance . In it she tells how people become successful. She argued that talent and intelligence are not the variables that lead to happiness or success.

Instead, one of the qualities that can help you most is conscientiousness. This is because it involves perseverance, purpose, and the daily effort to get what you want.

Conscientious or conscientious people also display a high degree of self-control, work ethic, and responsibility towards themselves and their goals. These are all steps on the ladder to authentic success.

Planning and responsibility

Conscientiousness is the opposite of impulsivity. People with this personality trait never act without thinking and leave nothing to chance. They are planners and perfectionists. Conscientious people also set achievable goals for themselves on a daily basis that they can easily fulfill.

They also take responsibility for themselves in every area of ​​their lives and always strive to perform to the best of their ability.

Conscientiousness: Consistency and Competence

Conscientious people are diligent and meticulous. When a problem arises, they don’t lose their cool. Instead, they focus all their resources on finding a solution.

They are not perfect. But when they make a mistake, they rarely get upset. They are highly resistant to frustration, allowing them to learn from their mistakes and try new ways of doing things.

What you show to others matters

The image you project onto other people is also part of who you are and is an important part of conscientiousness. People with this personality trait consider themselves competent and try to show this to other people.

The art of deliberation

The art of deliberation leads to more effective and successful decisions. Conscientious people make this possible because they focus on the ability to deliberate correctly.

That means that before drawing conclusions, they meditate and think about every aspect and every variable. It is also never good to rush these things. Ideally, you should think before you act.

Conscientiousness and self-discipline

Self-discipline goes hand in hand with conscientiousness. Following a schedule, setting daily goals, doing a little better each day, demanding a lot from yourself, and self-control are the foundation of this personality trait.

Self-discipline is also part of this character trait

Self-care is important

One thing that defines conscientious men and women is consistency. Their self-discipline is not limited to their professional life and their desire to achieve their goals.

Self-care is also important for these types of personalities. Just like their quality of life and their relationships. A full life requires discipline and the wisdom to know the best choice at all times.

In short, conscientiousness is above all having an internal point of control. When your competence, effort and determination are at the helm of any situation, you will feel a greater sense of existential satisfaction. You can develop this personality trait. It’s never too late!

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