Childhood Schizophrenia In The Present Is A Challenge For The Future

Schizophrenia is a disorder that rarely begins in childhood. But unfortunately we also see some cases of schizophrenia occurring in children.

So there is schizophrenia in children. Like adults, these children experience hallucinations and delusions that can be confused with “games” or “imaginary friends.”

Moreover, as in adults, early intervention will greatly improve the expectation of the further development of the disorder. So it’s a good idea to know the specifics of childhood schizophrenia.

A diagnosis of this disorder should always be made by a specialist. When diagnosed early, it can greatly diminish the impact it has on a child’s life. But to do this you have to start a  real race against the clock  .

Schizophrenia in children

What are the causes of schizophrenia in children?

Like many other disorders, childhood schizophrenia has a very important genetic aspect. In other words, there is a greater chance if other people in the family also have this disorder.

Some studies have also linked childhood schizophrenia with a family history of anxiety disorders or ADHD.

However, there are also other conditions that this disorder may be associated with. For example, if there were complications at birth, then this can lead to abnormal neurological development.

How can we know if a child has this disorder? To make this diagnosis, a person must find out if he hears voices that are usually negative or unpleasant. He also needs to check if he sees things, such as people, objects or colors that aren’t really there.

It is important that you really pay attention to these things. Because parents can mistake the warning signs for  “imaginary friends.” In any case, the final word on the diagnosis rests with the specialist.

The development and expectation of improvement in childhood schizophrenia

As we mentioned at the outset, childhood schizophrenia does not have a very promising prognosis. This is because the earlier this disorder occurs, the greater the impact it usually has on the patient’s life. It will also determine their lifestyle more, so in this case, the life of the child.

In addition, it is in childhood that little ones begin to talk, walk and develop their motor functions. In the case of childhood schizophrenia, all of this will be affected.

These kids will start making funny faces and adopting weird postures. They may also have a hard time getting along with others and expressing ideas in a coherent way.

Schizophrenia in children

That is why this disorder can negatively affect the development of other processes such as language, motor skills or the social process. Children with this diagnosis will experience difficulties expressing themselves naturally. Or they will do this and say strange things, even if you watch with an open mind because you know the crazy things kids at that age can do or say.

The treatment of schizophrenia in young children

How can psychology tackle an issue like this? First, an attempt will be made to slow down the deterioration caused by this condition with medication. The idea is to balance the child and manage the symptoms.

The treatment with medication will also allow the psychologist to work with the child in the best possible conditions. By controlling the symptoms, the child will have a much more receptive attitude.

Once the medication is adjusted, it is important to teach the child to distinguish between his hallucinations and reality. They will also work on motor and language skills. In this way they ensure that the development delay, if any, will be as small as possible.

Social interaction should not be neglected either. For the children who suffer from schizophrenia must acquire the resources they need to interact with other children their age.

The psychologists also work with the parents. They teach them positive responses, which they can use in situations that may arise as a result of the disorder. It is very important to encourage awareness in the child’s social environment.

Schizophrenia in children

The importance of early diagnosis

Early diagnosis is especially important at a young age. Don’t let the symptoms get worse until you see an expert and see what’s happening. If you do it that way, the decline will be much greater. In addition, expectations for improvement will also be drastically reduced.

Don’t think of it as “a kid’s play.” Because perhaps in time you will realize that it was a clear warning that something was wrong.

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