Behind Your Excesses Hides A Sense Of Emptiness

Behind your excess hides a sense of emptiness

Your emotional empty spaces are a reminder that something in your life is unfinished. It is something that fills you with frustration. You can try to fill that feeling of emptiness with excesses. Drinking alcohol until your senses are numb, exhausting yourself in the gym, eating away your feelings or shopping compulsively. But after you’ve done all this, the despair remains. And maybe it’s even worse than before.

The feeling of emptiness can cause an emotional block. This stops you from confronting the reality of things. Ultimately, all of this will lead to your relentless efforts to cover up what you’re missing.

Filling your emotional emptiness is not easy. But excesses are not the answer. Because many of your worst emotions and feelings will only get worse that way. You will eventually feel like you have fallen into a really deep pit. In other words, you will feel helpless. This is noticeable when you begin to react to painful situations in an inappropriate way.

When you give up everything, excess seems to be the only way to fill your void. Any normal pleasurable behavior will then run the risk of developing into a psychologically addictive form. Normal behavior can then become abnormal depending on the intensity and regularity. You also notice how much it disrupts your personal relationships.

If you think you can’t handle the feeling of emptiness, then you seek relief in excess

Excess is what your life will look like then. But you deny it yourself. You use excess to fill your sense of emptiness. But the emptiness, on the other hand, only gets bigger. So it’s a vicious circle. And this can only stop when you address what drives you to act recklessly.

When you are unable to handle a problem, a barrier will arise between yourself and whatever it is that you have to confront. And this just means that you will resort to more outrageous behavior. There are warning signs. They show you that you can fall into extreme behavior. You then use them as a way to put a nice face on a dark reality. Here are some examples:

  • Avoid Activities
  • Feeling nervous every day
  • trembling
  • Loss of motivation

Calling everything a “need” can actually be part of the problem. Your sense of emptiness comes from your needs. The excesses arise from your feeling of emptiness. It is therefore crucial that you describe what your needs are. Because that way you can understand your emptiness. Moderate needs are normal and healthy. The problem occurs when things get out of hand.

To see what you’re missing, you have to be brave

How can you fill the empty space you feel inside? The best way is to get to know yourself. Many people go to therapy and say they experience a great sense of emptiness. At the same time, they do not know themselves very well. For a long time they haven’t updated the self-image they designed so long ago.

They are aware that they are different and that many years have passed. Plus, they know they’re not the same as they used to be. But they don’t know who they are now. You may find yourself overwhelmed with an inability to feel pleasure. You also don’t know what’s happening — or why it’s happening. At that point you have to act. You have to be brave and accept that something is not right.

Seeing what you’re missing means really thinking about your emotional needs. It is about much more than unimportant material things and what other people expect of you. You have to be very brave to accept that you are living anything but the life you want, the life you dreamed of as a child. Only a complete person is able to admit what he lacks and accept his mistakes.

The only person who is ready to accept themselves is one who looks at themselves with a loving positive outlook.  Only then is a person ready to make his desires part of his identity. And that is an identity that is dynamic and changeable by nature, in a harmonious way.

Feeling of emptiness

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