Anger Is Poisonous To Both Body And Mind

Anger is poisonous to both body and mind

We have only just been born and right away we are already full of anger. And fear. And pain. We are born with these emotions already within us, regardless of the circumstances surrounding our birth. And from then on, each of these emotions will evolve within us, shaped by a multitude of factors. There are many different types of anger. Anger ranges from annoyance or irritation to a blindingly passionate rage that can be incredibly destructive at worst. In fact, it is one of the most intense emotions you can experience. It is also one of the most harmful. Anger is poisonous to both body and mind.

Whether it explodes outwards or is kept inside, anger will always cause damage.

As human beings, we face a great paradox. We will always be quick to get angry. It is simply not possible to surgically remove this part of us. We have to learn to deal with it. If we don’t, we will suffer mentally or physically, because anger is poisonous. The good news, however, is that it is very possible to learn to deal with it. It is possible to constructively channel anger. Competing, committing and taking risks are ways to do this. If we don’t do this, our body will pay the price for it later.

Anger is poisonous, that’s why it makes us sick

Both alternative and conventional medicine emphasize the fact that all diseases contain emotional components. The holistic approach says that every disease is an unresolved emotion. When this emotion reaches its limits, our health can deteriorate seriously and even lead to death.

Woman who screams with anger, because anger is poisonous

Every emotion affects our body in one way or another. In the case of anger, it is known to mainly affect the area from the chest to the stomach.

There are many types of anger. Resentment and hatred are two of them, and they all have consequences for our health. They are like time bombs that eventually cause gallstones, gallbladder problems and various digestive disorders.

Different types of anger and the effect they have on our bodies

Recently, researchers at the National Institute on Aging conducted a study on the effects different types of anger have on our bodies. The study’s conclusions were published in the Journal of the American Health Association . These conclusions show that people who have a lot of anger in them always show palpable symptoms in their bodies.

The researchers found that people who get angry easily often suffer from abnormalities in the carotid arteries. This, in turn, increases the risk of stroke. Likewise, they found that in people who are antagonistic and contradictory, there is usually a thickening of the arterial walls.

Heart attached to barbed wire, because anger is poisonous

Another consequence of anger is that it visibly increases the production of certain hormones, including adrenaline. The increase in this substance causes the balance in the body to be changed and this can eventually lead to heart attacks or brain disorders.

Anger is poisonous, don’t hold it in…and don’t let it control you

There are always reasons to get angry, pretty much every day. Nothing ever goes perfectly, and conflict and discontent are never far away. In order to channel these feelings of rejection and irritation, it is first important to recognize that you are experiencing anger. Being able to do this increases your chances of intelligently channeling your energy.

Anger has different facets. Here are the four most important:

  • Uncontrolled anger.
  • When anger is transferred from one person to another.
  • If used to hide another unconscious feeling that the person cannot consciously accept.
  • Anger at a lack of assertiveness.

At the same time , anger mainly stems from four sources: fear, frustration, doubt, and guilt. Anger does not solve this. What it does do, however, is give us a dangerous outlet. It produces a sense of temporary release, but does not eliminate the causes of the problem. It also has the aggravating consequence of being self-feeding. The more anger we feel, the more likely it is that the anger will intensify and take control of us. Unfortunately, that’s how it works, because anger is poisonous.

Woman walking into the sea with her clothes on, because anger is poisonous

Therefore, the best thing you can do is not to suppress the anger, but also not to express it uncontrollably. The right path is to accept that you feel anger and then confront it. This makes it harmless. It usually takes ten seconds to achieve this. We must then try to determine the real cause of our anger. This will make it easier for us to figure out how to solve the problem behind the anger. 

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