Aging Is A Privilege That Many Are Denied

Aging is a privilege that many are denied

Growing old is a privilege, an art, a gift. Gathering gray hair, tearing a sheet off your calendar every time, and celebrating another birthday should always be things that make you happy. Joy for life and all it entails to be here.

Life has a peculiar tendency to slip between our fingers over time, causing us to wrinkle our faces and feel aches and pains all over our bodies. However, this is all a reflection of life, something we can be immensely proud of.

We should be grateful for the opportunity to grow older, because it also gives us the opportunity to spend time with the people we care about most. We can enjoy the beautiful things in life, laugh and build a better world through our presence.

Mother and daughter

Wrinkles remind us of the moments when we laughed

Wrinkles are an honest and beautiful reflection of our age, counted by the smiles on our faces. However, when these wrinkles begin to form, they make us realize how ephemeral and fleeting life is. As a result, our wrinkles bother us and make us feel uncomfortable about them, when they should actually be a source of happiness. How come we can become so sad at the possibility of being alive?

Because we are afraid of getting old, of losing our skills. Because we see old age as a kind of punishment, which is meted out in a belittling and humiliating way. At the same time, the fact that we are getting older makes us look back on our lives and wonder what we have done with our lives.

Grandma and Wife

Be thankful for every year you complete

We should be grateful to life for the opportunity to stay here and the ability to consciously enjoy it. What’s the point of being sad and complaining about having options? Isn’t it true that we would give anything to have the people we lost by our side again? Why don’t we face life and stop hiding from our journey?

Getting older should be a source of happiness. Every day equals 1440 minutes of new options, great thoughts, hundreds of different feelings. Every second gives us the opportunity to experience things and to take advantage of all the options that our environment offers us.

Every year is a medal, an opportunity to cherish memories, to make certain moments our own, to blow out the candles with strength and pride. Therefore, long to fulfill your dreams, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years… And above all, make sure you are able to celebrate each year with those around you. Hopefully one day you will be able to see yourself wrinkled, happy and fulfilled.

Woman Sitting on Tree Branch

Between our youth and our adulthood, life flies by

Do not grieve for the fact that you are getting old. Life is a gift and we are not all privileged to enjoy it. It is a jar full of sighs, stumbles, pleasures, learning experiences and pain. That’s why life itself is so wonderful.

And that is why it is essential to take advantage of every moment, to own every moment and to feel privileged. Gathering youth is an art form where you make the life in your years more important than the years in your life. In short, an art form in which you give meaning to your existence.

It doesn’t matter if you go gray and wrinkle, if your body asks for a truce every morning. What really matters is growth.

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