Don’t Let Anything Or Anyone Take Your Smile Away

Don't let anything or anyone take your smile away

Never let anything or anyone take away your smile. Go, live and enjoy, because life only lasts two short days, if you’re lucky. And you are the one who determines how you want to live this life. Loosen those chains that bind you to your fears. Step away from uncertainty and dare to live your life in your own way.

Step out of your high heels to feel the wet grass with your bare feet. Notice how the leaves move between your fingers and the sky. Climb a tree if you want to touch the sky with your feet. Do what your heart desires, but make sure it makes you happy. This way you can show that beautiful smile that suits you so well. Do things your way, because that’s who you are. You already know that happiness cannot be sought, we stumble upon it without realizing it, during one of the many moments that we are not paying attention.

Remember that you only live once and it’s best to make sure this life is worth it. Remember, is there a better investment for our most valued resource (time) than that? Limit the influence of others’ opinions or what they have to say about you. It’s called envy, and it’s just their way of making you feel bad.

Boy And A Girl Lying On A Hill Of Colored Easter Eggs Because They Let Nothing Or Nobody Take Their Smiles

Wear your best smile and share it with the world

Share your smile with the world, because a smile always means a lot. A smile makes you both feel good, the person who sees the smile and the one who shows the smile. Be generous with your smile, because it costs you nothing. Remember that a smile can last a second, but the memory it leaves can be forever.

A smile is that line that softens the face and illuminates your gaze. But this only applies to a genuine smile. It doesn’t count if you hide sadness behind it. Remember that the value of what you feel goes down if you hide it and disguise it with what you think is politically correct for those around you.

You have the right to be sad, just as you have the right to be happy. And both emotions deserve the same amount of freedom of expression. Don’t be ashamed to stand out from those around you. You are yourself and what you feel has just as much value as what others feel. In fact, you are not harming anyone by expressing yourself. You do no harm by laughing. You just show your best face to the world, your authenticity.

Girl Sitting With Her Legs Wide On The Swing Because She Lets Nothing Or No One Take Her Smile

Go through life with a smile

Life should be felt with the volume turned up, laughing, screaming and biting. Life should be enjoyed with all the senses. You should enjoy every second of the present without being teased by the past. For remember that the past is fixed. You can’t do anything to change it.

Also remember that the present moment is at your fingertips. That moment when you slip away, every second when you think about the bad things. The bad days just come, but you have to look for the good things. And if you do it with a smile on your face, it’s much easier to find them.

Numerous studies have shown that doing things with a good mood and a smile improves your emotional well-being. A smile and, to a greater extent, laughter, stimulate the production of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins in your brain. That way you feel better. In addition, you lower the cortisol level that is caused by the stress in your body. So, have you laughed today? 

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