Nine Habits Of Happy People, By Jameson L. Scott

Nine Habits of Happy People, by Jameson L. Scott

‘What is happiness and why do we want it?’, in English ‘What is happiness and why do we want it?. This is one of the first chapters of the book Nine Habits of Happy People, written by Jameson L. Scott. As the author suggests, happiness comes primarily from our ability to obtain what we need and solve the problems in our lives.

That is why we seek happiness, because happiness involves self-actualization and personal satisfaction. Everyone achieves their own happiness in a different way, but in this book Jameson shares with us a few guidelines that happy people have laid down throughout history.

The Author’s Recommendations

First of all it is important to know that ‘Nine Habits of Happy People’ is a book that invites people to take action themselves, so it is not only intended as a self-help book. It urges us to change by taking steps rather than just changing our mindset. That is why the author also indicates that to be able to follow the guidelines in his book, it is important to be willing to leave your comfort zone. This is the only way you can incorporate the nine habits he shares into your life.

Happy people

Second, the author points out that after reading his book and following the guidelines he shares in it, you will never have to touch a self-help book again, the kind of books he highly criticizes. From his own experience, he invites his readers to begin a process of self-discovery and reminds us that living your life to the fullest is the only way to be truly happy.

Happy people do not allow the future to impose itself on the present

Happy people:

  • Socialize without seeking approval. These people know that in order to be happy, they must first be whole inside. They cannot be what other people want them to be, otherwise they would give others far too much power and their lives would be guided by what other people think. They don’t pretend to be anything different and they are aware that they just can’t please everyone.
  • Loving oneself. Happy people take care of themselves, pamper themselves and make themselves stronger. They don’t play the victim, they don’t insult themselves and they don’t disapprove of themselves. They know their potential and they try to achieve what is within their power.
Happy people
  • Accept their circumstances and chase their dreams. These people are able to distinguish between conformism and acceptance. They believe in change and fight first before giving up. In addition, they are constantly looking to improve themselves, they value life and try to get the most out of it.
  • Connect with the present. This is one of the most important habits happy people have. They try to live in the moment and leave the past and the future behind. To do this, they set aside some time each day to meditate and focus their thoughts on the things they are doing in life.
  • Finally, happy people do things that frighten them and go after what they want. They see opportunities as challenges to overcome their fears and they are determined to take full advantage of these opportunities. They know what panics them and they do whatever it takes to confront these things. These people have their fears just like you and me, the only difference is that they don’t let their fears stop them. They have even been able to use their fears as a source of motivation.

They learn and they rest

In addition, happy people also have the following habits:

  • They learn from everything that goes on around them. They recognize failure and they fail better each time until they are finally able to succeed. They are aware that in order to learn, they need to take action and gain more strength and confidence.
  • They rest enough. They sleep between six and eight hours each night and disconnect themselves from their obligations for at least two hours a day. They rest without technology etc.
Happy people
  • They maintain a balanced diet and exercise. They see the connection with their body as an extremely important communication channel to maintain their well-being, which is why they also pay attention to their body and take good care of it.
  • They have good posture and breathing. Lucky people have noticed that some body positions interfere with their way of acting and communicating. Finally, they attach great importance to their breathing and the way air gets into their bodies.

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