Five Little-Known Facts About Anxiety

Five Little-Known Facts About Anxiety

According to the news, a bra has recently been invented that helps control anxiety. Sounds strange or not? We think so, but it’s just one of the weird yet interesting facts about one of the most common emotions: fear.

As you probably already know, both anxiety and stress have negative effects on the mind and body. The worst part is that these emotions are much more common than we realize and they can lead to harmful and destructive behaviors.

For example, people who tend to be very anxious are prone to ‘binge eating’. And unfortunately, these binge eating episodes in anxious eaters often consist of those foods that are richest in fat and sugar. This “stress-eating” won’t make the symptoms of anxiety go away, it will only relieve them for a short time.

Other anxiety-related behaviors that are common are nail biting, difficulty sleeping or other compulsive activities: moving furniture around, going for a run at 3 a.m., cooking continuously, etc.

The truth is that every person experiences fear in their own way and each of us will be able to find a million and one ways to relieve it.

Eating by Fear

Can a bra help us control anxiety?

Back to the bra… A group of researchers investigated how an undergarment, such as a bra, can serve other purposes than dressing us. Although it is still an experiment and not yet in the shops, it seems that this bra could be the solution to anxiety problems in women.

This undergarment is able to recognize mood swings in women. It analyzes the skin, heart rate and breathing. It is also equipped to perform mobile and wireless electrocardiograms. It can detect mood swings based on psychological signs.

It contains sensors that can be easily removed so that the bra can be washed or put into other bras that better match your outfit. One of the lesser things about this invention is the short battery life (only four hours).

The idea of ​​the bra is that the wearer will receive a notification on her phone as soon as the anxiety level increases. This could help those struggling with anxiety avoid reaching a point where they can’t go back: that moment when their anxiety peaks and eating three chocolate bars, two bags of crisps, and a tub of ice cream is the only way to cope. to light up. 

If this bra doesn’t surprise you, the following facts will surely do:

Fear affects our sense of smell

When we are anxious, every smell seems unpleasant, no matter how nice we normally like it.

The olfactory system becomes more active and so we are able to pick up unpleasant odors everywhere. While this may be useful when you’re cleaning the house, it’s a lot less useful when you’re preparing a meal, for example.

Movement reduces anxiety

While you may already know this, it’s important to keep it in mind, especially when you’re dealing with anxiety. Go for a jog, bike ride, or take a 20-minute walk whenever you feel your anxiety increasing; you will definitely feel better and calmer. Moving your body will allow you to release some of your tension.

Choose the form of exercise you enjoy most and remember that exercise is not only good for your physical health, but also for your mental health.


Fear hinders our balance

Imagine a fearful tightrope walker! No, seriously,  anxiety can make you dizzy for no apparent reason. You could even trip over the curb or have blurred vision. During these dizzy spells, it may be helpful to close your eyes, breathe in slowly through your nose, and wait a few moments before returning to your activities.

Anxious people are smarter

Finally good news! However, it’s still not a good idea to drive your stress level up so you can get a good grade on that test. But indeed, there is a connection between fear and verbal-linguistic intelligence. This is probably due to the fact that fear makes our thoughts go faster.

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