Active Listening: An Everyday Superpower

Active listening: an everyday superpower

Do you want to better understand the people around you? Do you want your friends and family to feel they can understand you better? Do you want a better chance of getting what you want?

Not many people know exactly what active listening is and even fewer people know how to take advantage of it. It is an extremely important tool because it helps you to put yourself in the shoes of others, resolve conflicts, understand the feelings and opinions of others, etc.

To communicate

If we go by the scientific or official definition of it, then active listening a way to pay more attention to what others say (and do) what you give insight into other people’s points of view and allows you to collaborate with others .’

super power

Three key features of active listening

1. It requires effort on your part

This is how you put the speaker at ease, make him feel understood and free to express whatever he wishes. He will be able to focus on his feelings instead of his words. Of course this is difficult for us as a listener in the beginning; after all, we are not used to it.

Simply try to be aware of what the other person is saying  and stop focusing on what you want to say or answer. Your turn will come soon enough.

2. Don’t Just Pretend You’re Listening … Really Listen!

There’s no point putting on your most convincing “I’m really listening” face when a million other things are running through your mind: from the shopping list for the party this weekend to what you still have to do for college or how to will be able to pay all your bills. Active listening is twofold, with listening on the one hand and your attitude on the other.

Listen to the other person, try to understand what he is saying, what he is trying to convey…  immerse yourself in the conversation.

3. Listening to Gather Information

It may be a little difficult at first to stay focused on someone talking on the assembly line, but it may also be a subject that doesn’t interest you at all. Still, it can be helpful to listen.

This technique can be used for both good and evil purposes. The idea is to gather information so you can help the other person later, not manipulate them.

Active listening is a superpower that each of us has, but that we need to awaken consciously. It makes the other person feel good and above all, it strengthens our bond with the people we love. Active listening gives confidence, security and approach.

You can use it to resolve a conflict, act as a mediator in a problem between two friends, get to know your family and friends better, be someone worthy of trust and at the same time lay the foundations to be a great conversationalist. turn into.

Having a conversation

But wait a minute! We are talking about listening, but when does talking come up for discussion? It’s simple. All the information we gather by listening can be turned into either conversation, good advice, or words of encouragement…  you will be the best friend, colleague, parent, child, brother or sister anyone could wish for! Are you convinced by now that you can really develop a superpower?

Let’s be different from others and start to listen actively. Let’s put the “me, me, me” idea that dominates our current conversations aside for a moment and try to pay more attention to what others are saying.

And remember, we have two ears and only one mouth…so  we should talk half as much as we listen (or listen twice as much as we talk)!

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