7 Lao Tse Quotes To Help You Evolve

These Lao Tse quotes have to do with ‘the flow of life’. The best path is the one that leads to inner peace, and to get to this path we need to cultivate certain values ​​and achieve balance.
7 Lao Tse Quotes To Help You Evolve

Most Lao Tse quotes serve to guide us the way to a good life. This is also the reason why the people who base their lives on this and on Taoism often lead a full life that is also beneficial to the people around them.

That’s basically what Taoism stands for. A collection of lessons that can make our way through the world more important and valuable.

The word ‘Tao’ can be translated as ‘way’, ‘doctrine’ or ‘method’. It shows up in various oriental movements such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Zen. It tries to illustrate the ‘natural order’ of things and the harmonious functioning of the universe.

Many of Lao Tzu’s quotes can be somewhat difficult to understand. However, there are also a few that are quite direct. Moreover, they are all full of wisdom. So, in this article, we share some of the best Lao Tse quotes!


This is one of those Lao Tse quotes that directs us not to get attached to anything and not to depend on material things. It goes like this: “The Master has no possessions. The more he does for others, the happier he is. The more he gives to others, the richer he is.”

This quote says that the tendency that some people have to selfishly accumulate things leads to only one thing: impoverishment. We can have many things. However, what really enriches a person is to be able to share those things with others and use them to support the growth of others.

A stone in the shape of a heart

One of the most popular Lao Tse quotes

This next quote is one of the most popular. It reads: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for all his life “ .

It means that filling the voids of those in need is not the most ideal. The most important thing is to teach them how to get or achieve for themselves what they need to survive.

Water and nature

There are many Lao Tse quotes that make a comparison between the most important values ​​in life and the teachings of nature. Taoists are convinced that nature has a perfect balance that we can all learn from.

The following quote expresses this clearly: “Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. However, water wears out rock, which is rigid and inflexible. As a rule, anything that is fluid, soft, and compliant will overcome anything that is rigid and difficult.”

In other words, those things that may seem the most vulnerable can actually be much stronger than other things.

Drop falling into the water

The three treasures

There is another beautiful Lao Tse quote that reads: “I have only three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.”

In this quote, Lao Tzu uses the word “compassion” to refer to mercy. This means that being compassionate, generous, and humble are the three greatest virtues.

About moderation

Balance goes hand in hand with moderation. It’s not about avoiding things. It’s about knowing how to give them the value they deserve, as well as give them the place they deserve. If you are spared something, or if you have too much of something, the balance is broken, which ultimately leads to harmony.

Lao Tzu indicates, “Through moderation one can be generous.”  What this quote expresses is that excess leads to the loss of inner peace. It also shows us that we don’t need much of something at all to give some of it away to others.

Man walks on deserted road

Useless attachment

This is one of the main teachings of Lao Tzu. “When you realize that all things change, there is nothing trying to hold you back.”  Taoism teaches that we should detach ourselves from all material things in order to live a life free from misery and self-pity.

This quote also refers to the way people become blind followers of their objects of dependence, be they actual objects, people or circumstances. We are so conditioned by the things we depend on that we eventually develop a deep fear of loss.

Man meditating at sunset

overcoming yourself

This last quote is also very popular. It goes like this: “Overcoming others is being powerful. To conquer yourself is to know the way” .

It means that the main problems we should focus on are the problems we carry within us. Being strong doesn’t necessarily mean beating others. It means that we are able to solve the difficulties and obstacles that limit us in life.

Lao Tse’s teachings have influenced philosophies and religions from all over the world. Even today there are still many who adhere to his teachings. Many allow themselves to be guided by it to the path of wisdom and balance. 

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