Loss Of Appetite: Why Does This Occur?

Some illnesses can cause a loss of appetite, but this symptom can also come from complicated or stressful life stages. Discover some of the most common causes.
Loss of Appetite: Why Does This Occur?

You have probably experienced a sudden (or gradual) loss of appetite. This symptom can become normal if it occurs at specific times in your life. However, when this becomes recurrent or intense, you should see a doctor so as not to endanger your health.

In this article, we will discuss some of the possible causes that may explain a loss of appetite. As you will see, there are both medical and psychological causes. In some cases it can be a combination of both.

Loss of Appetite: Why Does It Occur?

Before we get into the possible causes that could explain the loss of appetite, let’s first explain what it consists of. It occurs, as it were, when the desire to eat diminishes or disappears.

In certain sources, an abnormal loss of appetite is called anorexia. So it’s important not to confuse it with the eating disorder, which has the same name.

Loss of appetite can occur at different times in your life and you don’t have to worry about it, for example it can be because you are going through a certain time of stress.

However, if it occurs repeatedly or intensely, the situation can make you sick. So if this happens, it’s best to see a medical professional so they can assess your case.

Why does loss of appetite occur? We will list some of the possible causes. However, each individual case must be evaluated.

Infectious Diseases

Certain infectious diseases can explain the loss of appetite, especially those that affect the digestive tract and inhibit a person’s desire to eat.

Some of these illnesses are derived from food poisoning. On the other hand, certain food intolerances such as lactose or gluten intolerance can also reduce appetite.

Intense emotional stress

Going through a time of intense emotional stress can lead to severe loss of appetite. Emotional stress can arise as a result of several things. For example, think of:

  • move to another country
  • change jobs
  • unemployment
  • losing a loved one
  • ending a relationship
  • fall in love
  • the birth of a baby

As you can see, both positive and negative situations can cause emotional stress.

Loss of appetite has several causes

Side effects of certain drugs

Loss of appetite can also occur due to the side effects of certain medications, such as weight-loss drugs or psychostimulants (to treat conditions such as ADHD). On the other hand, chemotherapy can also cause this symptom.

Other diseases

Certain illnesses can also cause you to have no appetite or sense of food. A study conducted by Domínguez, Nold, Llorente, and Ramirez (2011) at the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences in Santiago suggests that kidney or heart failure, hepatitis, and HIV are some of these diseases.

Another disease that can cause this symptom is cancer. Sometimes loss of appetite occurs during the advanced stages of this disease. However, patients may also experience it in the beginning.

Mental illness

Some mental disorders can also cause this symptom. The most common are depression, dysthymia, anorexia nervosa, anxiety disorders and schizophrenia.

Someone’s mood

According to a study by Baena, Sandoval, Urbina, Juárez, and Villaseñor (2005), depression can also explain a sudden loss of appetite.

You may not have noticed, but when you’re feeling down, you tend to feel less hungry. However, we must say that some people experience the opposite, so that they tend to eat more when they are sad.

Loss of appetite and old age

Old age is a stage of life in which loss of appetite often occurs (Bofill, 2005). In these cases, this symptom was given the name hyporexia. This is also used to refer to loss of appetite in children.

Some of the causes that would explain hyporexia in older people are, on the one hand, that the elderly tend to perceive less smells and tastes than younger people, and, on the other hand, certain social and personal circumstances (such as loss of loved ones, feeling lonely or abandoned feeling and side effects of some medicines).

Old woman doesn't want to eat

The time of year (summer)

Individuals tend to have a decreased appetite more often during the summer. This is because the body currently does not need as much food to stay warm (which it does in winter, for example). In addition, the metabolism slows down and therefore it is normal for you to lose the desire to eat.

On the other hand, what happens in winter? You feel hungrier because your body needs more food to retain heat and more energy to burn and maintain body temperature.

Loss of appetite: listen to your body

As you can see, there are many causes that explain why you feel a sudden or gradual, transient or prolonged loss of appetite. It ranges from intense or negative emotional states, to stressful situations, to medical illnesses or psychological disorders.

In order not to jeopardize your health, you must pay attention to your body and pay attention to your symptoms and vital situations and moods. Keeping this in mind will make it easier for you to ask for help when you need it.

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