Malignant Narcissism According To Erich Fromm

For Erich Fromm, malignant daffodils were part of the fifth essence of human evil. These are people who feel superior, lack empathy, and are obsessed with having the full attention of those around them.
Malignant narcissism according to Erich Fromm

The psychologist Erich Fromm defined malignant narcissism in 1964. He described it as a state in which an individual is characterized by pompous, antisocial and hostile behavior. The people who suffer from this dehumanize every scenario they find themselves in. Their lack of empathy and Machiavellianism could harm people.

Nowadays it is common to get the same kind of ideas when we hear others talk about a narcissistic personality. Perhaps we think of that ever-mean, superficial person who does nothing but take selfies and post them on social media.

Another example would be someone who always puts themselves first and ignores the world around them. However, this behavior goes much further.

Erich Fromm spoke of what he thought was the fifth essence of evil. Having lived through the events of WWII, this psychoanalyst, social psychologist and humanist philosopher of German Jewish descent wanted to lay the foundations for what, according to his own beliefs, could become the most serious pathology of all.

A pathology where persons are capable of committing violent acts. We must note that today’s neuroscience and psychology offer different definitions when it comes to understanding or explaining “evil.”

However, Fromm was a pioneer in his effort to make it clear that narcissism is the root of much harmful human behavior. This theory is very interesting from a clinical point of view.

A woman behind broken glass

The Characteristics of Malignant Narcissism

There is an important aspect to consider. Researcher Dr. Goldner-Vukov conducted a study at the University of Michigan where he concluded that malignant narcissism was a serious condition. Psychiatric research and literature, however, had forgotten it for decades, ever since Erich Fromm defined it.

According to the work of Goldner-Vukov, it is a personality disorder with devastating consequences. In recent years we hear more and more people talking about it. For example, we see how various political scenarios are full of behaviors that experts say can be attributed to malignant narcissism.

We give an example. John Gartner, a psychotherapist at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore who is known for writing biographies of political acquaintances, noticed something quite remarkable.

According to him, Donald Trump is a clear example of this condition. In addition, he did not hesitate to point out that this condition has no treatment. It is irreversible. Let’s look at some of the features of this condition.

Extreme narcissism and antisocial behavior

The narcissistic personality disorder falls within the cluster B personality disorders in the DSM-5 ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ). Something we know very well when it comes to psychology and psychiatry is that no personality profile or personality disorder will ever fit perfectly into any particular category.

Characteristics of other disorders are generally also part of the picture. Hence, malignant narcissism is a combination between the most pronounced narcissism and those antisocial behaviors so common in psychopathy, such as:

  • a tremendous sense of grandeur
  • lack of empathy
  • lack of remorse
  • impulsiveness
  • disregard for the rights of other people
  • a tendency to deceive and destructive behavior

Malignant narcissism needs no outside confirmation or attention

A common feature of narcissism is the recurrent urge to always be the center of attention. Their low self-esteem always requires confirmation, validation and admiration.

However, this is not the case with malignant narcissism. Those with this personality type have fully assumed their role of superiority and greatness, and they don’t doubt it for a second. All they look for is to position themselves in a high rank wherever they go.

Erich Fromm described them as follows:

“They feel powerful because of the qualities they have been given at birth. That is, I’m better than you, which is why I don’t have to prove anything. I don’t have to get in touch with anyone and I don’t have to make any effort. The more I maintain this image of grandeur, the further I get away from reality.”

A man looks out the window

Paranoid thoughts and sadism

The American psychoanalyst of Austrian descent Otto Kernberg also studied malignant narcissism. According to him, this profile is determined by a number of characteristics, such as:

  • Paranoid thinking. They tend to think that the people around them are plotting against them. Their dual thinking causes them to divide their world into those who support them and those who don’t. That is why they distrust people who are different, who disagree with them and who do not fit their rigid view of reality.
  • Sadism. These people do not hesitate to use cruelty, contempt, blunt criticism, manipulation and humiliation. The most striking aspect about them is that they often enjoy this way of trading.

Evil narcissists just need the right circumstances to become tyrants

So the question that comes to our mind is: are malignant narcissists actually dangerous? The answer is clear and very affirmative. Having a parent, a partner, a manager or even an employee with this profile can be harmful.

Recently, for example, a group of American psychologists and psychiatrists questioned the mental stability of the President of the United States.

The term malignant narcissism was re-introduced, prompting one to wonder what danger this might pose. For many, however, Trump is nothing more than the most prolific cyber-stalker in history.

However, experts point out that malignant narcissism can only come about under certain circumstances when the true inner tyrant asserts itself. Therefore, it is important to keep this psychological condition in mind and start with the importance that Erich Fromm attached to it at the time.

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