You Deserve Someone Who Really Loves You

Sometimes people plunge into love without thinking about their own worth and what they deserve. Read all about it in this article!
You deserve someone who really loves you

Sometimes you love someone without getting to know yourself, appreciating yourself and learning to love yourself. The problem is, if you don’t love yourself or don’t know yourself, the relationships you have won’t be quite authentic. Sometimes you even build relationships that are not good for you. Instead, you should be with someone who really loves you.

That is why it is essential to know yourself. It helps you enjoy your well-being and can even be a supportive force for healthy relationships. It allows you to decide what is good for you, what is in your best interest and what enriches your life. At the same time, you can learn to recognize situations or people you need to be more careful with.

A fundamental rule for being happy around others is to be happy with yourself first. However, remember that even though you deserve someone who truly loves you, you must first experience that love for yourself.

So you want to go on an adventure and fully and mutually enjoy the love with someone. Well, you will have to start the journey by figuring out who you are so that you learn how to love and respect yourself.

Only then can you think about what you really want in a relationship. Don’t forget one very important thing: you have to be willing to give the same love and respect that you want to get from someone else.

A couple in love with their hands together

You deserve someone who really loves you

This poem titled “You deserve someone who really loves you” is a representation of what you earn in a relationship.

Remember that everyone is different and so everyone needs to be treated a little differently in order to have a happy relationship. That is why it is very important to love your partner as he or she should be loved. You must also teach them to love you as you need to be loved. For that, acceptance is the key.

Something that almost everyone needs and wants is to feel that your partner gives you affection, respects you, and feels love for you. That is a tangible form of love. The love that you can see through actions and not a love that is lost in empty words.

A couple under an umbrella of light

The one

So how do we know who the “one” is? It is not easy to answer that question. Life is full of ups and downs, disappointments and moments of joy, but also moments of suffering. During your whole life, you will get to know many people. Then we are the person who is really right for you?

The right person is the one who is willing and able to give you the love you deserve and want. That person can find you when you are ready to give and receive that love. However, it is also true that there are cases where one teaches another person to discover and love themselves.

You could say that the most important thing beyond love itself is a willingness to grow together. Building the relationship, taking care of the garden you create based on love. This is not a path you walk with your feet. Instead, you do it with your heart, along with daily effort and care.

Someone who really loves you will challenge you

The right person will try to challenge you every day to be a better person and will try to teach you how to manage your fears and take risks. This person will accept you as you are.

That applies to the light in you, but also to the shadow. They will support you, take care of you and, best of all, grow with you, although they may have to do it at their own pace.

You must both be willing to find love. In addition, you must be able to be happy on your own in order to enjoy a full life without the need for a partner. When you have all that, your desire to share your life together can easily become a reality.

In addition, the love you deserve, that love that allows you to grow and evolve as a person, can have a positive effect on others. In one way or another, it can be an example that can help others believe in true love. That’s a really great thing.

So you have to discover yourself and love yourself. Only then can you do the same with someone else. There is nothing more beautiful than cultivating respectful, loving bonds.

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