There’s Nothing More Beautiful Than Your Smile

There is nothing more beautiful than your smile

Every day turns out to bring a smile to your face, turns your happiness on to others and proves to enjoy every moment of life with a smile. Remember when you were a kid and you played in the park? You never stopped smiling as you ran around and played with other kids. Now you may not do it the same way, but you can make the effort to be able to do it again.

It is not necessary to feel happy to smile. All you have to do is do it. A smile can change you, make you see things differently. As the sides of your mouth begin to rise, your eyes will see life in a different color.

The benefits of a smile

Smiling boosts your mood. Whatever you communicate to others will be positively received when you smile. It even helps you get to know yourself better, connect with others, and improve how you feel in general.

A smile makes you feel good. Smiling causes the body to release endorphins and serotonin into the bloodstream, which reduces pain and improves the immune and defense systems.

Smiling Woman

Smile to be happier

When someone smiles, it affects them in a very positive way. There is communication back and forth between your body and your mind.

On the one hand, when something makes you feel happy, your brain sends the message to your body to smile. On the other hand  , the body also sends messages to the brain when it smiles. You may not have any apparent reason to smile, but your brain receives that information from your facial muscles. The brain understands that you are smiling and that something has made you happy. So to be consistent, your emotional state begins to shift toward optimism and happiness.

Charles Darwin was the first to explore this phenomenon and he found that simulating an emotion can lead to that emotion being actually created and felt. Therefore, no matter how you feel, be it sad or happy, disappointed, tired, etc… you can smile and you will feel happier.

Smile to be forgiven

If you’ve made a mistake, ask for forgiveness and do it with a smile. Making mistakes is human and accepting those mistakes and asking for forgiveness too. When you ask for forgiveness, do it with a smile, but not with a smile; show a genuine smile. There have been studies showing that it is actually easier to forgive someone who smiles.

Smile to seduce

Smiling is a powerful tool for seduction. When you smile, you get closer to the other person and you become happier and more approachable. If you want to get to know someone, let your smile be your secret weapon. Put it on and show who you are. Men use their best smiles just as much as women do when they want to win someone over.

To flirt

However, seduction is not only practiced when it comes to romantic relationships. It can also be used in professional relationships. In a meeting, for example, you can use it to get what you want out of a negotiation, to show compassion for others, and/or reach satisfying agreements.

Smile to bring out emotions

Have you ever noticed what happens when you smile at a child? In general, it is answered almost automatically. This also happens to adults and even to strangers on the street.

So smiling causes positive emotions in others. Smiling makes you happy and also makes the people around you happy. This is because you are sending signs that you are a sociable and approachable person. Also, never forget that smiling is contagious.

The phenomenon of the mutual smile is due to the effect of your mirror neurons. When two people exchange smiles, a positive emotional change is produced in both of them.

Instructions for smiling

Think of something beautiful, something you really love, or someone you really care about. Draw a picture in your head and really feel what it is and what it means. Feel the emotion it brings out in you. Notice how it affects you and how, little by little, the movement of your lips lightens. Curve your mouth and allow your lips to show your teeth. Make your eyes smile at the same time. Let the happiness of the expression drawn on your face invade you and become contagious.

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