The Letters Of Ignacio Solares To A Young Psychologist

The Letters of Ignacio Solares to a Young Psychologist

Do you know Ignacio Solares? Are you thinking of studying psychology? In this article, we propose a book written for those who are interested in this subject but have no clear idea of ​​what it entails.

Do you know someone who wants to study psychology? Would you like to dig into some historical events of this science and how it has progressed?

The letters of Ignacio Solares bring together historical data that you may find interesting. He has written this book for anyone interested in psychology but not sure what it is.

Ignacio Solares has written more than two hundred pages to answer his daughter’s questions. This is why this book is written in such a confidential tone.

The style is similar to that of other famous books such as Sophie  ‘s World. The book tries to help her make a good career choice.

About the author Ignacio Solares

Ignacio Solares is a Mexican writer who has published more than 15 books. He has also received several awards and an award that bears his name. He received this award for his dedication to the historical story.

It should be noted that he is not an expert in the field of applied psychology. He  is,  however, an expert in philosophy, literature and history. The information his works provide is supported by modest but very valuable bibliographies.

Who is Ignacio Solares

Before you start reading

Cartas a una Joven Psicóloga (Letters to a Young Psychologist) y La Moneda de Oro: Freud or Jung? (The gold coin: Freud or Jung?) was issued in 2003 in Mexico City.

The book consists of twelve letters. Each letter offers us a theoretical and historical overview of what Ignacio Solares believes is important and what the “young psychologist” should know.

This book is not the only one of its kind:

  • Mario Vargas Llosa, Letters to a Young Novelist
  • Letters to a Young Poet  by Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Letters to a Young Mathematician  by Ian Stewart.

These books serve as an introduction to areas of study that can be overwhelming at first.

We’ve said it before. Ignacio Solares begins by listening to his daughter’s questions. He then writes twelve letters in which he tries to explain the purpose and development of psychology.

The letters deal with topics such as psychoanalysis, the collective unconscious, the theory of synchronicity, behaviorism and pragmatism. All these topics play an important role in the foundations of this science. Solares writes the letters with a flowing storyline that is easy to understand.

Would you like to read the letters of Ignacio Solares?

Can you imagine being able to read some of the conversations some of the greatest psychologists have had? In his book, Ignacio Solares has added several fragments of letters from different authors.

For example, he has included in his book the correspondence between Freud and Jung, between Freud and Charcot, and others. In addition, he has also mentioned pieces of their notes. However, the purpose of this book is not to cover everything about psychology.

Still , his book may be useful to the many people interested in learning a little more about the subject. People who are not sure whether psychology is for them can also get useful information from the book. This book can also spark the career of a great psychologist.

Do you want to read the letters of Ignacio Solares

I think avid readers enjoy imagining and seeing things from a different perspective. What better way to do this than to read about the subject you enjoy or are most interested in?

In this case, that’s psychology. Remember, the title of the book is dedicated to “young psychologists.” These are psychologists who have just started their studies or young people who are still unsure about which profession to choose.

Even if you are not familiar with the subject, in this book Ignacio Solares gives a concise and concrete explanation of psychology.

The book tries to summarize and summarize the most important historical events in psychology as a field of knowledge (though not as a science. That is also why many have criticized this book).


Reading this book by Ignacio Solares will not make you an expert. However, the time you invest in it will be worth it. The book is an introduction to the subject.

The idea is that you will look for more information as soon as you have finished the book. In other words, this book is a starting point. It will help you to keep exploring this amazing science.

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