The Autumn Season Is The Sunday Of The Year

The fall season is the Sunday of the year

We usually forget that a change in the seasons means that our bodies have to make some important adjustments. For example, less sunlight in the fall season and in winter has a direct impact on our mood. Do you feel like you have more or less energy after a week of gray clouds and rain?

Along with this effect on your energy, autumn also has some other characteristics that bring down your state of mind. The most important thing is definitely your attitude with which you deal with the transition to winter. So what’s the best way to make it through the coldest part of the year?

The influence of the autumn season on your well-being

Autumn begins in October in the northern hemisphere and March in the southern hemisphere. Regardless of where we live, we experience many changes in our mood when the fall season starts. We can also experience it in different ways and to varying degrees. But in general, the onset of autumn means apathy, loss of the ability to enjoy and/or fatigue.

September can exhaust you

During the summer the days are longer. It then seems easier to take advantage of your time. In addition, you usually have a few weeks of vacation to rest and spend time with your family. So you are calmer and more relaxed. You realize that you have fewer responsibilities than during the rest of the year. There is no need to hurry. You are also not in the constant monotony and stress of your work week.

But all this changes completely when the fall season sets in. The days are getting shorter and the nights longer. So you have fewer hours of light. Rain and cold take the place of the beautiful summer weather.

September wears you out

The lower temperatures are like an invitation to spend more time indoors and less time outside. You may even start to isolate yourself socially. And this weather change can also give you a cold. You feel weaker and more vulnerable. You can see the leaves falling from the trees. They pile up on the floor. This too may give you a nostalgic and sad feeling.

Many people transform their wardrobe into a personification of their grimness. You no longer wear bright clothes with cheerful colors. But you switch to a much darker and more somber color spectrum.

The hormonal twist

These external factors, especially the changed weather and the reduced amount of sunlight, will lead to a series of hormonal changes. These changes will cause your energy to be much less stable throughout the day. Let’s take a look at them:

  • Increased production of melatonin : Because there is more melatonin in your blood, you will always feel a bit more tired. You will feel more like sleeping and lying down.
  • Decreased Serotonin Production : This happens along with the rise in melatonin. Because it completely unbalances your sleep rhythm, mood and state of mind.
  • Decreased production of dopamine: This causes a lack of attention and a general lack of interest.
An autumn depression

“An Autumn Depression”

If the decline in your mood is intense and lasts a long time, you may have what is known as an “autumn depression” or a “winter depression.” But stay calm! It is only a temporary situation. You can also avoid them by taking the right steps.

The symptoms of this depression are a huge lack of energy and interest in everything, apathy, irritability and a bad mood. You will also have trouble sleeping and concentrating. In some cases, people may even experience strong feelings of loneliness, even if it is not real.

How do you fight fall depression?

You should consult a specialist regarding this type of mood disorder. But there are also some ways you can manage the symptoms. Making some small changes to your diet and doing some daily activities can help a lot.

At the dietary level, it’s a good idea that you make sure you’re getting plenty of vitamins B and C. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are also important (they are necessary for the production of neurotransmitters). You can also use valerian root and purple passionflower to relax. Those remedies improve your sleep quality at the same time.

Sometimes you get stuck in the thought that after the holidays the time that you have to spend on yourself is over. But that’s not true at all. You must continue to seek that moment of leisure and relaxation. Fill your life with fun activities. For example, you can exercise. And if you don’t have time to do this outdoors, indoor sports are still a great way to regain your positive attitude and stick with it.

You can help not only your body but also your mind. Reading, going to the theater, the cinema or going to museums are good for the mind. You can listen to music or have a nice conversation with friends. Or you can, for example, share a special moment with your partner or your children.

All these little activities make you happy.  Not doing this means you will lose energy. You will also feel increasingly lethargic. Ultimately, this will bring your mood down. In addition, it also gives you higher stress levels.

How do you fight fall depression?

Fall Depression Isn’t Always a Post-Holiday Syndrome

Post-holiday depression occurs when a person returns to work after the vacation. The working person then fails to adjust properly to his work life after a holiday period.

The symptoms are very similar to autumn depression. But there are also some other notable physical problems. The person suffers from muscle pain that will lead to reduced performance at work.

This syndrome can also occur at any time of the year. It happens every time you return from vacation. So if for some reason you postpone your holiday until November, the post-holiday syndrome can also occur after that holiday.

Fall depression always follows a specific time of year: the end of summer and the beginning of the next season. Post-holiday syndrome usually also affects young people, especially those under the age of 45. People over the age of 45 are most prone to fall depression.

As you can see, during the fall season, there are many factors that pose a risk to your physical and psychological well-being. But that doesn’t mean fall can’t be the best season of the year. You just need to learn how to make the most of the fall season!

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