I’ve Had Enough Of The Way You Love Me

I've had enough of the way you love me

You’ve had enough of the way he loved you. Maybe he told you he loved you, but it wasn’t enough… It feels like you are his very last priority; you feel alone in the relationship because he is always busy, at work or with his friends or family. He doesn’t understand the value of balance. Everything is important to him: work, family, friends… you?

You feel broken by his constant absence, his lack of intimacy, kisses, caresses and hugs. Over and over you break like a vase trying to put it back together again and again, until it finally breaks into thousands of pieces and can no longer be made.

There is no cure for what you tried so hard to explain to him. You’re just fed up with the way he loves you. And now you cry too. You cry with nostalgia as you listen to the song that once united you through shared laughter, caresses and kisses in an old bar that no longer exists.

And now there’s nothing between you, everything’s broken

“I know you’re crying, you’re sad, you realize what you’ve lost. But now I’m gone. I was empty, I had enough of the way you loved me. I have nothing more to give you, nothing more to offer.

Now I live in another world, I tell different stories and another love occupies my heart. It doesn’t feel like you’re still a part of my life; I feel like nothing unites us anymore. I’ve cried a thousand tears for you, I’ve opened my arms for you a thousand times, but no more… I’ve had enough of the way you loved me.

And even if I didn’t want it and didn’t believe it would happen, there is now another love in my life that gives me new hope and a new desire to live. Now I am happy because we know how to take care of each other, love each other and laugh together. He loves me like no one has ever loved me before. He takes care of me and I take care of him. He understands that we are a team and that together we can achieve anything, because this love revolves around the two of us.”

Perhaps you can identify with these words. When we feel as if we are invisible, as if we are in a relationship that is pushing us to the side… we become overwhelmed by suffering and pain, as we watch the relationship disappear without us being able to do anything about it.

slip away

What often happens is that partners have different conceptions of love or don’t talk to each other in the right way about their needs and feelings, waiting for the other to guess how they are feeling, which is impossible if they don’t talk about it. Assumptions are dangerous, especially in a relationship. Being passive with the relationship will slowly extinguish the fire, little by little.

What can we do to keep the fire of love burning?

Love is like a beautiful project that is never finished. Once the first moments are over, we should keep fighting for that love if this is what we really want. We must water love as if it were a small plant, always careful not to extinguish the fire, but always to rekindle it. How are you doing this? Is it possible? Everything is possible if we want it and make the effort. The following advice will help you:

  • Reclaim the love. Not everything is earned in love. You have to fight for it and win back the lost kingdoms every day. Surprise your partner again, pay attention to the details, call him, go for a walk together, tell him about your day. Let that love that once united you blossom again.
  • Don’t neglect the relationship out of convenience. Many people think that their love has made room for a laziness that is pleasing to both partners. But that’s not how it works. Love is like a small flame that must always be kept burning.
  • Don’t be so absent. When we have thousands of things to do, for example for work, we tend to neglect our relationships. Remember, love is like a job… if you don’t show up, you could lose it. Make time for your relationship.
  • Keep talking to each other. Communication is the foundation of any relationship. Talking to other people about our lives creates more attachment. Don’t go to bed without talking to resolve your differences. Ask for forgiveness. Don’t be proud and don’t be ashamed. Forgiving each other in time can prevent thousands of other obstacles.

If you really feel like he’s the one you want to be with, don’t leave him. Despite all the changes and disputes that may arise, continue to work on your relationship together. Love and routine never got along…

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